Ellie goes banana

Fighting cancer is tough, and Ellie has undoubtedly been through a lot. I love it when she shows us that she's just a cat doing her thing. It makes a Mom's heart happy to see that the extra time Ellie's treatments provide is time spent being her glorious, quirky, and infinitely lovable self.

EM: Ellie Mae Kat [black, gorgeously floofy lady cat] 
L: Latte [tortie/tabby lady cat aka "Kitten"] 
MK: Momma Kat [Latte and Ellie's human Momma, named Kat] 

MK: Awww! Ellie has her banana.
EM: Nothing to see here, Mom. Move along.
MK: But it's so cute, you and your banana!
EM: It's not CUTE. I'm ferocious.
MK: By laying on your banana?
EM: I'm strangling it. Strangling isn't CUTE.

L: That's true! If I strangled Ellie, Momma would get REALLY mad.
EM: Happened. And happened.
L: I did not strangle you!
EM: No, but you laid on me, which is basically the same thing.
L: No, it's not!
EM: It's like being sat on by a hippo. I couldn't breathe.
MK: Well, in any case, it makes me happy to see you enjoying your ...
MK: What the HELL?!?! Ellie! Get up a minute!
L: What? What happened?
MK: There's catnip all over my bed!
EM: I TOLD you it wasn't cute. I have a particular set of skills.

MK: Ellie Mae Kat!
L: Catnip?!? Let me see!
EM: Stay away! This is my catnip! I ripped my banana open! I get the catnip!
MK: Ellie! Earlier, when I clipped your claws, you complained that because I clipped your claws, you couldn't manage your toys.
EM: NO. I said I couldn't manage my PREY.
MK: So how did you rip open your banana?
EM: Erm ... I really wish I knew Spanish. Then I could pretend I don't understand English.
MK: That doesn't work.
EM: It worked for Bear!

MK: No. No. It DID NOT work for Bear. Ellie, pretending you don't speak English won't work because we've spent the last five minutes speaking English. So I'm not going to buy that you suddenly unlearned how.
EM: But it worked for Bear when he spoke in Spanish ...
MK: Ellie, he couldn't speak Spanish, either. 
EM: It sounded like Spanish to me!
MK: "No speako Englaish" is not Spanish.
EM: But I don't understand it!
L: Because THAT never happens.
EM: What are you talking about?
L: You don't understand like ANYTHING!
EM: Did you see what I did to my banana?

L: Is that a threat?
MK: Okay! That's enough. 
EM: I AM feeling a little bit high ...
MK: What are you doing?!?
EM: I've got the munchies! I'm eating my catnip!

L: Don't cry over spilled catnip ...
MK: Latte, you're not helping.
L: WHAT?! It's not like you're going to pick up every piece of catnip and stuff it back in the banana!

Later that day ...

Ummm ... lady, I think there's something we need to discuss ... I obviously rock purple, and I know with my chemo-related fur loss, you worry I'll get cold ... but can we maybe do this another time ... like to-never? ~Ellie Mae

© 2024 Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat - Written and Published by Katherine Kern. 
All text, pictures, images, and other content are original and copyright by Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat [K. Kern], 2015-2024. No content on Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat may be used without the owner's [K. Kern] written permission. If you see this post posted on a site that isn't Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat, please contact cats@mommakatandherbearcat.com. 

Featured posts:
To read more about Bear's efforts to pretend he doesn't speak English to get himself out of trouble:


  1. You look lovely in purple, Ellie! You certainly showed that banana who is the boss. BTW, from being completely bald my hair is now just over 1/4 inch long.

    1. My Mom gets sad that I lost the floof I was so proud of, but I'm still alive, so she tries to let it go. ~Ellie Mae

  2. Ellie Mae does rock Purple. Latte is looking good, too. Such good, hunting cats! Linda

  3. Ellie Mae, you definitely are rocking that purple! We absolutely are in awe of your ability to rip open that nanner. Those things are made of really tough stuff. We are delighted to see you doing so well. We know this has been a long (literally) and exhausting road. You are one tough cookie! Sending you and your mom lots of love, hugs and prayers. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

    1. My Mom sewed it shut! And if you know her, you know when she fixes something, she does extra to make sure if doesn't happen again. That's okay, I like a challenge. ~Ellie Mae

  4. Aww, love seeing you slay your banana, Ellie. And way to rock the purple.

    1. I think I look better laying on the sweatshirt than wearing it ... ~Ellie Mae

  5. Ellie all any being wants is to spend quality time with their loved ones. I am over the moon happy to read that you are having that time with your beloved family
    Hugs cecilia

  6. Lots of healing energy hugs to you sweet Ellie ~ you are a cutie and purple definitely fits you ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Ellie Mae really does look snazzy in purple!

    1. But better looking laying ON the sweatshirt, than wearing it ... ~Ellie Mae

  8. hay ewe galz..noe monkeez R mizzin ther nannerz R they ? that wood bee a swingin time if they stopped bye ta look for em 😺😺 and yur rockin purpull
    EM 💜💜💜 ‼️‼️‼️

    1. I can handle dirty, stinky monkeys! I did live with Bear for 4 years... ~Ellie Mae

  9. That looks like you're getting a lot of catnip & fun from bananna

  10. Beautiful Ellie, you look fabulous in purple and no doubt every other color too!

  11. Purrple is the purrfect color for you, Ellie! Enjoy that nip :) You deserve it!

  12. Heeheehee! Your conversations are fabulous and yes, she rocks purple and needs catnip more often.

  13. Ellie, you look extra pretty in purple. You are a strong girl. None of my cats ever managed to rip one of those open. XO

    1. My Mom calls me her brave, beautiful girl. I never get tired of hearing it! ~Ellie Mae

  14. Ellie, you look wonderful in purple. And you sure did jack that banana up. Nice work!

    1. My Mom fixed my banana so I have to start over! ~Ellie Mae

      Ps I think I look better laying on the sweatshirt, than wearing it.

  15. Bravo for showing that nanner who's boss, Ellie Mae! Cancer ain't got nothing on you! You're rocking that sweatshirt too. ~Murphy

  16. AMARULA: Normally I would never take advice from Ellie but I think I may have to consider trying this "No speako Englaish" thing! It just may be genius!


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