Ellie Mae Texts

Most people believe that cats don't care if their people are around. They do! And Ellie is the purr-fect example! Judging from this conversation, though, perhaps cats shouldn't be allowed to have cell phones?














*** In case you are like Kat and have no clue what these texting abbreviations mean without looking them up ... Text Abbreviations Guide. ***



© 2023 Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat - Written and Published by Katherine Kern. 
All text, pictures, images, and other content are original and copyright by Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat [K. Kern], 2015-2023. No content on Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat may be used without the owner's [K. Kern] written permission. If you see this post posted on a site that isn't Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat, please contact cats@mommakatandherbearcat.com. 

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To see more reasons for cats to NOT have cell phones ...


  1. This had me laughing al the way through. I loved it all. Thanks for a great start to the day!

    1. We have moments of inspiration ... they may be fleeting without Bear ...

  2. MOL MOL If you say so...Angel Madi seemed to NOT care if we were home. Angel Milky-way always greeted us upon our return
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. We bet she ACTED like she didn't care. Bear would wait at the door for me, rub up against me, and then bite me.

  3. Wow! You are one sweet and smart kitty ~ fun with you around ~ lol ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. da tabbies o trout trout towneAugust 29, 2023 at 8:59 AM

    ellie ewe knead ta get yur own fone, latte ewe two, and oh….ewe all reddy have em…well, go two settingz and set de time a head for like three hourz then yur mom doez knot have an eggz cuze bout comin home and sayin…her…iz….
    ore…never mind…and five and three DOEZ make six if ewe take de 4 and
    dee vide it bye 9 and yez we gotta look up “codez” cauz we iz K2SBS
    happee week ‼️

  5. This cat "daddy" is not amused.

    1. Well, Momma un-fired the cat daddy ... seems to me that someone around here doesn't understand who's the boss of the house. ~Ellie Mae

  6. I am glad my cats don't know how to text. :)

    1. People say cats don't know how to talk ... I seriously disagree. They always make their thoughts known!

  7. HA! That was better than the autocorrect funnies!!!

  8. You’ve got a rough life, Ellie Mae. MOL!

  9. This was so funny! Ellie, we bet you could get a job as a social media manager.

    1. Except that it takes me FOREVER to type! Who thought cats shouldn't have opposable thumbs? ~Ellie Mae

  10. AMARULA: This is so unfair!! Why does that nincompoop Ellie get a phone yet Latte and I don't????

    1. Phht. Communication is overrated. Besides, we don't need our humans, so the ability to text them is meaningless! Only dependent nincompoops need phones. ~Latte

  11. You are funny, Ellie. All I can say is I am glad Flynn never got to text me or he would be complaining about everything! Eric would be asking for his next meal all the time.

  12. What a good tester you are, Ellie! If I had advertised that you could text when you were at Petsmart, you would have been adopted very quickly. But maybe not to the right home, so good that I didn’t know you were so talented! Love reading your texts with Momma. Linda

    1. Bear taught me how to text! I still can't text in Spanish though ... ~Ellie Mae

  13. Gosh, with all those letters, those abbreviated text speak words, it's hard to know what's being said. I'd never get anything, if I used them. Around these parts we dont use mobile phones. I have a bellpull in each room, and a pigeon for longer range messages of import. Have a wonderful and hopefully text message free holiday weekend.

    1. I think I definitely need a bellpull. Where would find such a luxury? ~Ellie Mae

  14. Ellie Mae sure is a prolific texter. I'm surprised she hasn't figured out how to text Woodrow yet! I guess that's fine though, since he doesn't know how to read.

  15. Ahahaha, glad I saw this! Cellphones for cats cancelled here. We're already getting an ear full of Meows about it too!

  16. Ahahaha, funny! Canceling plans to get cell phones for kitties here!

  17. Ahahaha, funny! All plans to get cell phones for the cats here are now cancelled!


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