Meet Kitty-Kitty:

I suppose my memories of Kitty are private - I miss her every day - but I never speak of her. I don’t particularly want to talk about losing her and how I miss her every day. I see her pictures around my house daily and realize I love her just as much as I did when she was next to me. Yet, the loss I feel is unfathomable and absolute. I’ve written a lot {an ENTIRE blog} about Bear and Ellie, the incredible cats I share my life with now, but in their own ways, every single cat is memorable, unforgettable, and irreplaceable. Every cat is unique. When you lose your furry best friend - NO OTHER cat is going to fill that void - EVER - even if you have twenty THOUSAND other cats. Each cat has its extraordinary peculiarities and ways of relating to the humans that share its life - in varying degrees and combinations. Many non-cat people don’t understand this, and they suggest getting another feline friend to fill the now gaping hole in one’s life. However, when a human loses another human close to them, no one ever says, “It was just a husband/mother/friend/daughter. You can get another one!” Anyone who’s truly loved a cat knows that his/her furry friend is not “just a cat.”
The most remarkable example - of a cat not just being a cat - is my own. While I’ve dedicated this blog to admiring, loving and appreciating Bear, he is not the only cat that owns part of my heart. And even though his lovingness and personality fill my life with little room to spare, I still feel the void left by Kitty. That is amazing to me because if any cat could fill any void - it would be Bear: his heart and charisma are bear-sized and take up most of the room in my life. By sharing a few of my favorite stories about Kitty, I want to show you that even with a cat full of love and spirit and life (Bear), I still mourn and miss Kitty in all kinds of ways - small as well as large. And that there is a hole that only Kitty can fill. If you’ve never met Kitty-Kitty, you may read about her here: Kitty-Kitty: Unoriginal Name, One-of-a-Kind Cat.
What is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day?
Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day is a special day dedicated to honoring the memories of those beloved pets in our lives we have loved and lost but never forgotten. Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day was founded in 2015 by Deborah Barnes, award-winning author, and blogger of Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles in tribute to her Ragdoll cat, Mr. Jazz, who she had to say goodbye to on August 28, 2013. She ... created the day in his honor as a way for others across the world to share memories of their own pets they had loved and lost.

My favorite stories about Kitty-Kitty
The case of the missing pills
When Kitty-Kitty was diagnosed with hepatic lipidosis, our veterinarian put her on prednisone (I understand this is no longer the suggested way to treat it - but twenty years ago, it was). After a couple of weeks of pilling Kitty twice a day, I felt accomplished and fantastic! I’d read the jokes about pilling a cat, and I’d pilled her for WEEKS without a hitch! I walked around with an air of mastery and pride. I told myself I got this! Kitty felt better! Until I found her pill stash! Make that pill STASHES! I found one collection in the back corner of the kitchen behind her litter box - and the other was in the tiny crack on the floor between the kitchen floor and the door jamb itself. I still have no clue how she managed to use either place to spit out her pills consistently - but I respected her at an entirely new level. Game: Kitty-Kitty. The kicker: I counted the medicine, and some were missing. Did I manage to get some medicine down her throat, or are there more stashes around my parents’ house waiting for me to discover them?

The intrusion of Kitty's home
Kitty-Kitty was always a patrol cat. Once a night, she’d make the rounds of our home to make sure everyone and everything was in its place. She took the job VERY seriously, and she didn’t appreciate being interrupted in her nightly duty. After my ex-husband and I moved in together, Kitty took up her nightly patrol in the new apartment. Kitty didn’t like my ex-husband and didn’t like sharing me with him. My ex-husband and I even slept in separate beds, and Kitty peed in my bed every day for a couple of months to show her displeasure with our new living arrangement. Ironically, they were both slaves to routine - so each night, Kitty would patrol at the exact time he sat in the bathroom for half an hour. I always knew the area in Kitty’s patrol when I heard my ex-husband say, “Yeah! WELL, I DON’T LIKE YOU EITHER!!!” I never SAW this happen - but he claimed she’d come in the bathroom to look around, give him a nasty look as he sat there and then turn around and walk out of the bathroom.
Kitty's aversion to mail
Kitty had HER chair in the family room. Unfortunately, my father (who lived with us) had the habit of putting the mail he just brought inside on the arm of Kitty’s chair. Time and time again, he’d next see the mail in the trash can next to the chair. I’d been yelled at so often and accused of throwing away his mail (and yes, this shows the extent of his mental issues and is not normal). One day, we’d had a particularly bitter fight about this which ended with my father going outside to get the mail. As per his routine, he quickly looked it over and set it on the arm of Kitty’s chair. Kitty jumped on her chair and swung her butt around to sit down - knocking the mail in the trash can! RIGHT in front of my father! And I never heard a thing about throwing his mail away again!
Kitty's love affair with salad
One night, when Kitty and I lived with my ex-husband, I emptied the vegetable bin in the refrigerator to get the vegetables at the bottom of the drawer. I’d set the rest of the contents on the floor. When I got everything but a bag of salad back in, I turned around to grab that last bag of salad and found Kitty rubbing up against it madly! At first, I started to pick it up - but then I received the worst stink eye and left it out for her. For TWO HOURS that first night, she showed unbridled affection for that bag of salad. Every night for the rest of the week, she came into the kitchen at dinner time to wait for her salad bag to appear. My ex-husband decided he didn’t have the heart to eat it - and it eventually had to be thrown away - but the love affair between Kitty and the bag of salad happened!

At nine years old, Kitty became the consummate mouser! For years, my father lamented Kitty’s complete disinterest in the mice that lived in our home. One morning, near the front door, I saw something tiny that looked like a toy mouse. Luckily, I looked closer before touching it - because it was Kitty’s first mousing kill! For the next couple of months, she regularly deposited her “presents” in my bedroom - still alive - or at least still alive enough to make it under the furniture before dying. Wondering what changed still amuses me. For years, she’d peacefully co-existed with the mice in our home - and all of a sudden, she picked them off one by one. Did she find a mouse in her food bowl? Was she biding her time waiting for the mice to become fat, stupid and complacent to her presence?
Kitty had tortitude
If you visit us often, you know that I’m obsessed with torties! What I didn’t realize until I started blogging was that Kitty was a tabby/tortie mix! I noticed her one white paw and her patch of brown on her back - but until I saw a tortie, I didn’t know that I’d already experienced glorious tortitude! Here you can see the brown patch on her back and her one white back paw: a genuine card-carrying member of that exclusive tortie club - with tortitude!

Kitty loved me, and I was her person from the start
For years, it upset me that Kitty wasn’t a snuggly cat. I wasn’t entirely sure she loved me or cared about my presence. If she jumped on my lap, she only stayed for a few seconds. And the only time she’d sleep with me is when she’d sneak in next to me as I slept - waking up and leaving before I realized she was there.

In the intervening years since she left my physical world, I realized how Kitty showed she loved me. She spent her days in the same room as me; when she caught mice, Kitty brought them to my room; as a kitten, she played all night long in my room; and Kitty howled if she got closed out of my room. I was the only person allowed to touch her, the only person she laid next to and the only person she purred around. Her purr was much like her - not forceful or assuming - not so much heard as felt - deep and intense and complex. Kitty-Kitty, I hope you know how dearly I miss you, how deeply I love you and how much I look forward to seeing you again. Thank you for gracing me with your love, your unique personality and your presence. Thank you for teaching me to look closer when I assumed cats were indifferent to humans’ presence. You deserved an original name and I will forever regret that I didn’t give you one; that I didn’t is due to my lack of creativity – not a lack of love and appreciation for the fantastic partner-in-life you were.
© 2020 Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat - Published by K. Kern.
All text, pictures, images, and other content are original and copyright by Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat [K. Kern], 2015-2020. No content on Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat may be used without the owner's [K. Kern] written permission. If you see this post posted on a site that isn't Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat, please contact
Kitty sounds like a lovely cat. Her love affair with the salad story cracked me up. There’s nothing like cat love is there?
ReplyDeleteNo, there's not anything like cat love. Sometimes it just knocks you on your butt and is completely flabbergasting! I'm lucky that Kitty and I found each other.
DeleteKitty looks like a wonderful cat who really lived life to the fullest. Losing one we love so much is so very hard.
ReplyDeleteEverything you said is true. I miss seeing her in the window the most.
DeleteAw, what a wonderful girl. And that sleeping photo is precious.
ReplyDeleteI know! It's hanging over my bed - it's my favorite picture of her by far.
DeleteThanks for sharing Kitty with us today.
ReplyDeleteThe pleasure was ours!
DeleteThat is such a sweet and touching story about your dear sweetie. This is the first time we posted on this day too, it's always been too tough, but today we were called to do it.
ReplyDeleteFunny how that works??! I just found myself thinking more and more about Kitty recently - thinking about sharing her mousing story in more detail - and it just seemed to be the time. With the story of how Bear saved my life in everyone's minds, I thought the point would be more poignant that one cat - no matter how wonderful - can never fill the hole left by another cat.
DeleteGone but never forgotten, as they live in our hearts.
ReplyDeleteHugs and purrs on this remembrance day, and thanks for sharing Angel Kitty with us today.
They do! It was wonderful to give myself time to go through her pictures and really remember Kitty.
DeleteThank you so much for letting us remember Kitty Kitty with you all. She was a force to be remembered
ReplyDeleteTimmy, Dad, Toby, Rumpy Bumpy, Miss Fitz and Einstein
This is true! My parents chose to have her declawed in the front (I hate that they did this) - so she learned how to use her fangs well (this is what I thought of when you used the word force). I still have a few scars :)
DeleteI love that missing pill story! That is too funny. Kitty sounds like she was a wonderful cat. Thank you for sharing these stories with us. Sending hugs as you remember kitty on this special day.
ReplyDeleteJust when we think we've got cats mastered, they sure know how to remind us that we have no clue and we are no match for them!
DeleteAwww, loved these stories and Kitty Kitty sounds like she was quite a character.
ReplyDeleteShe was and I loved her dearly. I wish her life would've been so much easier for her!
DeleteKitty was beautiful, and sounds like she was a real character.
ReplyDeleteYes! She was both!
DeleteThank you for sharing these charming snippets into the life of Kitty! I remember her salad escapdes as being featured in my Makin' Biscuits book! I also love your take on the day, as there really are no rules. I want people to share memories, but only if they want to. That this was a spur of the moment thing makes it all the more special. Warm purrs from Deb and Mr. Jazz from Purr Prints of the Heart.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate you starting the day of remembrance and working so hard to let everyone participate! I still think there HAS to be some reason why she acted that way with the salad ... but why do our cats do anything?!?
DeleteWhat a special girl Kitty was! And what wonderful memories of her! Sending you many comforting purrs on this day of remembrance.
ReplyDeleteShe was special. I wish I'd appreciated her more when she was alive. But the stories about her still make me smile and miss her more.
DeleteWhat a beautiful girl she was! I noticed that patch of tortie on her immediately! The salad bag story is just too funny.
ReplyDeleteI could never explain that patch when she was alive! It was maybe a year into blogging that I realized her white paw (with light brown spot) and the patch of brown made her a tabby tortie! When it was time to let her go, I snipped off some fur from that patch on her back and I treasure it more than everything I own.
DeleteKitty was a beautiful girl and very special. I enjoyed reading about her, especially the salad. XO
ReplyDeleteI still think there HAS to be some reason why she acted that way with the salad ... but why do cats do anything?!?
Delete*Bows head* as I remember your loss of Kitty. I enjoyed reading more about her.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed sharing the stories! I don't let myself think of them too often because it's just so hard.
DeleteI’m so glad you decided to post about this holiday. Kitty Kitty was quite the character! I don’t usually post for this holiday since it’s so close to National Pet Memorial Day in September but it felt right this year.
ReplyDeleteI just found myself thinking more and more about Kitty recently - thinking about sharing her mousing story in more detail - and it just seemed to be the time. Our hearts have a way of letting us know what we need.
DeleteI loved reading this. Not too strong a term, loved. I reminisce about all of mine and remember the love they showed me and how much I loved them. That would be with all of my heart. They are completely through and through innocent and blameless of anything; and the love they give us is just as genuine and innocent as they are. Sometimes they love their person when that person doesn't deserve it at all. That is heartbreaking. But when you love them well as they love is something that you always cherish and remember,
ReplyDeleteThis is all true. I still can't believe how lucky I've been for my cats to have chosen me. People love hating cats and they miss out on one of the most beautiful creatures in God's creation.
DeleteA lovely tribute. The pain of losing Sam is still to raw for me to have participated this year. But like you pointed out, they may be gone, but they will always be in our hearts.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Kitty was one gorgeous cat!
Yes, she is! I thought about Sam yesterday - I miss him too.
DeleteSweet memories. Thank you for sharing them with us. Purrs
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading them!
DeleteKitty sounds like a cat right after our Angel Moosey's heart. He LOVED lettuce, so maybe there's something to Kitty's love affair with the salad bag. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen Kitty was a kitten, she ate lettuce! She actually loved it (and peas and pasta)! So I'm guessing you're right.
DeleteKitty Kitty was a character cat that will always have a soft sot in your heart.
Yes, she will!
DeleteMaybe Kitty Kitty had been hunting and catching mousies all along, but had a stash of them somewhere like she later did the pills. Tee hee hee. Winks.
ReplyDeleteOh, no! They would be especially ... RIPE by now! Though, it is my father's house ... so anything's possible!
DeleteBeautiful tribute to a special kitty. I think she had a special name💗Soft Pawkisses as you remember your sweet Angel Kitty-Kitty🐾😽💞
ReplyDeleteThank you <3
DeleteSo many wonderful memories of your sweet Angel Kitty. I almost feel like I knew her personally. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI feel as you do and also get very frustrated when someone tells me to just get another dog when one begins the journey to the Bridge. I have had many dogs over my lifetime and most of them have lived to a very old age. When they leave, they always take a piece of my heart with them. But it leaves just enough room for another pup in need of rescue to slide right in. The one who was lost can never be replaced, but I know we have enough love to share with another.
Yes! It's funny, I've noticed there's a definite adjustment period. For instance, Kitty wasn't snuggly - but Bear wanted to be on or against me all the time! For quite awhile, it was a bit uncomfortable (I suspect Kitty might have sensed that I would be and she didn't force it) - but now I need that closeness. When I lose Bear, I don't know that any cat will let me be that close all the time - and it will definitely compound my grief further. Once you know how wonderful that closeness can be - you certainly miss it when you lose it.
DeleteWe love the story about Kitty-Kitty and her bag of salad. Also her giving your Ex the stink eye. Kitties know the true heart of their human roommates. Love reading about her. Yay Torties!
DeleteThank you for sharing these precious memories, stories and photos of your Precious Kitty. I totally understand where you're coming from and how special she was from the things you shared. I felt so choked up reading this as I felt your loss as well as the losses I have yet to express. My prayers are with you. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI'm still completely un-understanding of how lucky we humans are! We don't always deserve our cats' love - but it's always there in their own unique ways. It just blows me away to think of the gifts and blessings we get from every cat that touches our lives; just one more miracle of God's amazing creation.