BC: Bear Cat Kat [handsome tabby cat and Momma's Handsome Stripe-y Pants]
EM: Ellie Mae Kat [black, gorgeously floofy cat]
MK: Momma Kat [Bear and Ellie's human Momma, named Kat]
The Boy: Momma's fiance
MK: {walking through the house} Do de do ...
{Momma halts when she sees ...}

MK: Let's try that again ... BEAR?!
BC: Err ... I'm not home.
EM: YES, you are! You just stole my spot on the couch next to Daddy's cushions!
BC: Will you just SHUT UP for once in your life?
EM: I will. When you just STOP BEING A JERK-FACE for once in your life!
BC: I'd rather be a jerk-face than a ...
MK: Why's there a suitcase by the front door?
BC: It's not mine.
EM: A suitcase? Can I sit in it?
MK: Okay. Let's review this. "Tasty whole chicken farm or bust."
EM: That makes no sense! Why would one want a tasty whole chicken farm when one could have a tasty whole tuna farm?
MK: Okay. So that rules out Ellie. "Have you kissed a Ginger today?"
BC: WHAT?!?! The sticker I bought said ...
EM: {GASP!!!}
BC: @*(!*@! RATS!
MK: Going somewhere?
BC: YEAH! Where I don't have a Momma that tricks me and sticks me!
EM: My scratcher better not be in your suitcase! Or my tuna!
MK: Which begs the question ... how did you pack without your sister climbing in the suitcase? Because I can't pack without her supervising.
BC: I waited until she screwed around with the puzzle feeder. She's too lazy to whack it more than a couple inches at a time - so for her to get enough to eat, it takes her like half an hour.

BC: Which is why she should just go to our regular food bowls! It's the same kibble!
EM: At least I don't THINK it's the same.
BC: This is how it goes ... small whack ... "OH! A piece of kibble! Food! This is great!" CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH. "I'm still hungry!" She keeps getting distracted by one piece of kibble.
EM: That's not true! Sometimes it's TWO pieces of kibble!
MK: To be fair, you're the one that showed her how to whack it really hard down the hall and then you ate half the kibble she worked for while she was busy eating the other half.
EM: Wait ... WHAT?!?! HE DID?!?!?
BC: Here's a clue ... the stuff in the ball? IT'S THE SAME STUFF THAT'S IN THE FOOD BOWL!
EM: I don't like you very much right now.
BC: I don't like you, EVER.
EM: I'm tired of being the butt of all your jokes!
BC: Move over!
EM: WHAT? NO! You JUST kicked me off the couch!
BC: Well, now I want the love seat.
EM: I'm not moving.
BC: If you don't want to be the butt of all my jokes, maybe you shouldn't be a butt - maybe you shouldn't eat everything within a ten mile radius!
EM: If MY butt is big, what does it say about YOUR butt that you sit on me and I move?
BC: My butt has nothing to do with it. You just don't want me to groom you.
EM: I know where your tongue's been!
BC: Roughly the same place as yours.
EM: MY butt!
BC: Why isn't your tongue as offensive as my tongue given we lick the same real estate?
MK: Maybe her butt is cleaner?

MK: Oh. Gross.
BC: HEY! Don't knock it until you try it!
EM: I HAVE tried it!
MK: That's a little weird, Bear.
BC: I see you making kissy face with The Boy!
EM: EWWW! At least Bear doesn't make kissy face with me!
BC: I have standards.
EM: So do I!
MK: YOU TWO have standards? Don't even get me started!
{The front door opens}
The Boy: I'm hom ... OOF! Who put this suitcase here?
MK: Guess.
The Boy: "Striped and Proud. In Tabbies We Trust?"
BC: I'm going to college.
The Boy: Huh?
BC: Phht. Given your vocabulary, you two might take a clue.
EM: I want to go to college!
BC: Phht. You'd never get in.
EM: I would too!
MK: What college allows cats?
BC: The ones worth one's money. Clearly, college didn't do much for you, Momma.
EM: But Momma's always telling everyone how smart you are!
BC: REALLY?! I didn't know anyone appreciated my ...
MK: Umm ... not quite. I tell everyone what a smart-ASS he is.
EM: His ass is smart? Is that why it's so big?
BC: How rude!
BC: See? Here's my admission letter!
MK: This is just a bunch of scribbles!
BC: That's a bona fide institution of higher education!
EM: But why would a cat college have bones? And higher education? Like higher than our cat tree?

BC: Catskill College.
EM: I don't kill! So "cats kill" is a little ...
The Boy: Cats have skills? Like what? How many rooms a cat can barf in in one twenty-four hour period?
MK: And who's paying for your education?
BC: Well, see, I have a lot of "paws on" life experience so I'm actually at the graduate school level. So I get to be a TA.
EM: Total ass? You're a total ass here!
MK: Bear, TA's have to work. They assist the teachers. Teacher Assistant.
BC: Wash your mouth out using that foul language! WORK! Clearly, any cat who works would never get into a school like Catskill.
MK: What do you help teach? Scratching 101?
BC: See!? Now, this proves exactly what I was saying. You humans are simple. YOUR first class in scratching would be 101. But us cats think globally. Scratching 808.
MK: What are you studying?
BC: Physical education.
MK: The most exercise you get is walking to the litter box.
BC: What does that have to do with anything. PHYSICAL. EDUCATION. We all know torties represent the perfect feline physical specimen. Tortie hotties ... here Bear comes!
The Boy: Hahahaha. I ... {seeing Momma's face} ... err ...
BC: Then there's social studies.
MK: Does this involve ogling torties too?
BC: Ogling? No. This is the paws on component. SOCIALIZING with torties - like dating.
MK: Why don't they call it Tortie U?
BC: Phht. Not EVERYTHING is about torties.

MK: Like what?
MK: And what does that entail?
BC: Tabby plus tortie equals a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVE connection.
MK: This is just wrong on so many levels.
MK: Ellie, you don't want to learn this stuff. This is all about Bear chasing ... tail.
EM: You mean like how I chase his tail?
MK: No. Not LITERALLY. This is about Bear chasing ... pussy ... err ... cats.
EM: I'm a pussy cat.
BC: Phht. THAT'S debatable.
EM: Take that back!
BC: No.
EM: You'll be sorry!
BC: Then I guess you don't want to visit my dorm.
EM: Err ...
BC: See, instead of beds, we have laptops. We work and then we sleep. Multi-function!
EM: Ummmm ... Bear said the W word!
BC: And by "work," I mean bedding torties.
EM: Why would you want to make a bed of torties?
BC: Since you refuse to leave my loveseat, I'll be the bigger cat and move.
EM: HEY! I ALWAYS move! And in reality, you ARE the bigger cat!
BC: You DID NOT just go there.
MK: Bear, college isn't only about getting in ladies' pants.
BC: Did you even GO to college?
EM: Wait. Bear's got stripe-y pants, why would he need to wear ladies' pants?
EM: Wait ... is THAT why Bear spends so much time in Momma's closet?
MK: You know the answer to that. Remember? You shredded my homework? And put so many fang marks in my books, I didn't even bother to write my name in them?
BC: Phht. Accounting. Numbers. That's not college. That's ... insomnia treatment.

MK: Says the cat that ensures I never sleep.
BC: I was helping you do your homework.
MK: By breaking my calculator? And dying all the pages in one of my textbooks orange?
BC: YOU put that glass of soda on the floor. You were starting to fall asleep. Because of me, you got your homework done.
MK: For the SECOND time. Because what happened after I completed it the first time?
BC: Err ... you got me there.
EM: WHAT? What happened?
BC: Erm ... is there a tortie sorority?
MK: A Tortority? Like Hubba Hubba Hubba?
BC: Really? Tri-Hub? There is one?
MK: NO! Torties don't go to college!
EM: That's not really fair, I mean, torties are just as smart as other cats, and if Bear got in ...
MK: HE DIDN'T GET IN! Because cats don't go to college!
EM: Because cats aren't as smart as people?
The Boy: Huh. Now you're learning what it's like for ME to live with you. I keep talking and I just get in trouble!
The Boy: Erm ... YOUNG MAN! You aren't leaving this house!
BC: You're not my real dad!
BC: Can't we get rid of her? I mean, you two bring down the average IQ around here ... but she just completely TANKS it.
EM: Like those fish tanks you bought thinking they were heavy artillery tanks?
EM: What?
BC: Shut up.
EM: Why?
MK: Wait ... what's in this suitcase?
{Momma opens the suitcase}

BC: Well, I tried to fit the couch in there and it wouldn't fit. I guess the scratchers are okay.
MK: The Boy's pants?
The Boy: WHAT?
BC: Err ... I figured with me not here, you could relax the "pants required" rule.
BC: Hmm. That's a thought.
MK: Don't listen to him. He doesn't mean it.
EM: Are you sure?
MK: Unless Bear's "paws on" life experience has garnered him thumbs, he still needs someone to scoop his litter box and open cans of food.
© 2020 Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat - Published by K. Kern.
All text, pictures, images, and other content are original and copyright by Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat [K. Kern], 2015-2020. No content on Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat may be used without the owner's [K. Kern] written permission. If you see this post posted on a site that isn't Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat, please contact cats@mommakatandherbearcat.com.
Featured posts:
- If you missed Bear's tank debacle, you may read about it in ... Bear's tanks and tuna and The quack daddy.
- To read more about Ellie's puzzle feeder:
- Ellie's scratchers are VERY important to her!
- Not my circus, but yes, they are my monkeys.
- The big bad wolf, alien buffalos, and lots more nonsense.
- Crimes and Misdemeanors, part 2.
- For more on the pants rule ... Surreal greatness.
Maybe you should just stay home and design your school t-shirts Bear!
ReplyDeleteDon't give him any ideas!
DeleteYou both are too funny today! I think staying at home is a good idea Bear.
ReplyDeleteBut how am I EVER going to get laid? ~Bear Cat
DeleteBear and Ellie, I love seeing you both, together on the couch!
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised my Momma didn't make a big deal out of it! Well, except for the 85 pictures she took of the event ... ~Bear Cat
Deleteellie; this is DE BEST aruge mint we haz EVER...EVER...hurd in R lifez ~~~~~~ 984 paws UP ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺♥♥♥♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteEM: That makes no sense! Why would one want a tasty whole chicken farm when one could have a tasty whole tuna farm?
You tabbies might be a bit biased against bass turd birds and all ;) ~Bear Cat
DeleteYou two are just so funny!
ReplyDeleteMum needed a smile today, so thank you x
Our pleasure! Thank you!
DeleteYou two always have me in fits!!
ReplyDeleteThat means so much to us to hear. Thank you.
DeleteYou're absolutely right Bear, torties are definitely the most perfect feline specimen!
ReplyDeletePhht. Some people allege bias. It's just the truth!
DeleteBear, you may want to rethink this plan until after the pandemic is over.
ReplyDeleteErr ... is it the chicken flu? Because that would be a tragedy of untold proportions ... ~Bear Cat
DeleteYup, as Ellen said, Bear will probably have to abandon his plans until next fall anyway! Humans thwarted you again, buddy!
ReplyDeleteJan, Wag 'n Woof Pets
You humans all gang up on me! It's a conspiracy! ~Bear Cat
DeleteYou are already very smart, Mr BC.
ReplyDeleteAnd so's his ass! ~Ellie Mae
Delete{Snicker} you guys crack me up.
ReplyDeleteWe love knowing we succeeded!
DeleteOh so naughty, pinching Ellie Mae's scratchers (but made me laugh)! Love those labels on your suitcase, Bear.
ReplyDeleteNot So Sweet Toffee
That's Purrfect
YEAH! Bear's naughty! He should be grounded! ~Ellie Mae
DeleteYou two totes just kill my mom! Me, I need to have everything 'splained. I guess me and Ellie get along as we are two peas in the pod. Bear, you should have known Admiral who was here before me. she was a Southern Belle...a New Orleans Queen...a Cajun beauty...dripping in charm and with a Cajun meow. She had many many mancats here in the CB. What a girl. Good thing she didn't;t meant you...or you her. You two would cause an explosion of looooove.
ReplyDeleteWhy is my Momma laughing so hard?! An explosion of LOOOOOOOOOOOVE sounds like heaven! ~Bear Cat
DeleteAMARULA: YOu are right as usual (and looking good too!) we are the perfect specimen!! Can you fit me into your suitcase?!
ReplyDeleteREALLY? F*** those scratchers! I'm getting laid! Err ... respectfully, of course. ~Bear Cat
DeleteHey Bear Cat,
ReplyDeleteThat college idea has some merit but I think we should get our humans to send the FEMALE cats. Oliver and I have to deal with two divas! Think about it...no competition for treats, extra wet food in our bowls, more petting time. Whey should we handsome males have to leave a place with staff we've already trained? Let the girls suffer!
Purrs & Head Bonks,
Alberto & Oliver
But ... HOT LADY CATS! I want to get laid! And our sisters? EWWWW! We don't have to STUDY ... except for girls! ~Bear Cat
DeletePacking the essentials, I see! Smart Bear Cat. Who needs college?
ReplyDeleteME! I want to be as smart as Bear's ass! ~Ellie Mae
DeleteShe IS my ass! ~Bear Cat
We now know what Mom Paula's backside is so big - she's smart! Tee Hee!
ReplyDeleteYou've never seen my Momma's backside! THE BOY! Hahahaha. ~Bear Cat
DeleteNo, Bear! You should definitely postpone your plans until all this hunker down in place stuff dies down. XO
ReplyDeleteI'm a force of nature! [cough cough] [sneeze] Uh oh. ~Bear Cat
DeleteFirst stop college then Wall Street to make big bucks! Then, once you made it you can retire. Maybe start a global enterprise and have a whole office block named after you! Bear Towers — has a twofold meaning. Just think of all the torties you could enrole in to be interns....... Maybe find a spot in the maleroom for the Boy and Momma ?
SEE?! Only a Princess would get me! Tortie interns?!?!?! Retirement? SOLD! ~Bear Cat
DeleteHey Bear, would you mind dragging our baby brofur Rabbit with you to college, cuz he's in despurrrate need of some smarts. He's making our life miserable! Just imagine all the fun stuff you two could get into. All the catnip beer pawties, and all the Hot Tortie grrrls you'd meet. Pleeez!
ReplyDeleteOnly if Candy can come along too! Just saying. I'd be glad to give Rabbit some pointers ... in the behind. ~Bear Cat