Bear's rediscovered our love seat. I love getting pictures of him on the love seat because I have it covered in a green blanket - which not only is one of my favorite colors, but also brings out all the magnificent colors in Bear's coat. This picture from 2015 has long been my favorite:

You might remember Bear's favorite spot on the table next to where I work. For months, he hasn't jumped up to stare at me while I work - but over the last couple weeks, he's been sure I know he's watching me ... very carefully.

Of course, Bear's got to make the rounds of all the boxes in the house ... not because he likes boxes but to be a pain to Ellie who loves HER boxes.

And of course, after all this work posing, a cat's gotta take some [more] naps.

And now for the 4.217% that is not Bear ...

And now for the 4.217% that is not Bear ...
Ellie found a new hiding spot the other night. She hates when I brush her teeth. She doesn't usually like blankets either. So I was shocked last week when I couldn't find her anywhere, called her name, and a tiny mew came out from under the blanket.

The Boy would tell you I have 50,000 pictures of Bear already ... and I could just use the same picture over and over ...
My response to that follows:
But I would take 50,000 pictures,
My response to that follows:
But I would take 50,000 pictures,
And I would take 50,000 more,
Just to be the Momma who takes a hundred thousand pictures
Of the cat that I adore.
Just to be the Momma who takes a hundred thousand pictures
Of the cat that I adore.
© 2020 Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat - Published by K. Kern.
All text, pictures, images, and other content are original and copyright by Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat [K. Kern], 2015-2020. No content on Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat may be used without the owner's [K. Kern] written permission. If you see this post posted on a site that isn't Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat, please contact
Featured posts:
To read more about Bear's spot on the table, from which he likes to watch Momma work ...
- What's wrong with this picture?
- "On wanting (and annoying Momma)," from "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 14.
- "On disgruntled discontent," from "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 20.
- "On the final 'v,'" from "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 24.
- The Santa ship sails.
*rattling of calculator keys* Bravo! I believe, if my aching claws and toes are anything to go by *further rattling of keys* yup, you have acheived 96.5517241% Bear, you can rest easy, well at least until he next photo shoot.
PS Do keep a count on the residual percentages as at some point they'll add up to a whole extra post that you're owed ;)
Residual percentages? Are you trying to get me in trouble? ;)
DeleteGood call on the contract requirements Bear and good call on that comfy green blankie on the loveseat!
ReplyDeleteThanks. ~Bear Cat
DeleteYou can never have too many photos!!!! We loved seeing all those photos of Bear (and Ellie's too!)
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
He is just too handsome to NOT photograph.
DeleteBear is adorable. It's very interesting to me that you brush Ellie's teeth. How old was she when you started? Did she get used to it? My cat is 16 and she's starting to lose teeth. I wish I had considered washing them time ago, but I never thought about it.
ReplyDeleteHe loves to hear that!
DeleteYou aren't alone regarding dental care. Kitty, my first cat, was in a similar boat. Then when I got Bear - I noticed his gums bled a lot. He had his first extractions around the age of 2 and the vet told me if I had any hope for him to keep any of his teeth, I should brush them. That's not the norm - that's just his genetics. Since I already brush his teeth, when we adopted Ellie (she was 7), I figured I should get her used to it because she was getting to the age most cats start to have dental problems. A couple years later, she still fights me on it every time. My advice would be to commit to brushing your cat's teeth regardless of how he or she reacts. I've learned that giving in just reinforces the bad behavior. Bear doesn't mind so much. This post explains what we've been through: There are other alternatives to actual brushing (water additives, special treats, etc) and your vet might be able to help you choose one - and show you how to brush if that's the route you go. Please let me know if you have any more questions!
You know, we don't see images of Bear while sleeping that often; he's adorable!
ReplyDeleteWe haven't yet tried to brush Da Boyz's teeth, but I give them some enzymatic paste that's good for their teeth.
He totally is!
Deleteguyz....we N joyed see in .109 of ewe ellie N 95.29300282388-813 of ewe bear !!!; can ya tell we
ReplyDeleteiz knot good at math....but we did N joys thiz post :) ☺☺♥♥
Thankfully, my cats aren't so great at math either!
DeleteBear those girls you live with need some serious demerits...
ReplyDeleteHugs Cecilia
I know! And I have to live with them! ~Bear Cat
DeleteAMARULA: Do you see that puddle on the floor? Yep! That's me. Those ADORABLE photos of you Bear just make me MELT!!
ReplyDeleteI bet you make a gorgeous puddle! ~Bear Cat
DeleteSUCH A HUNK!!! --Mudpie
ReplyDeleteSee, now you have excellent taste! ~Bear Cat
DeleteI love your poem. :) I felt the same way, can't take enough cat pics. And yes, managing felines is VERY complex.
ReplyDeleteI imagine the thousands of photos will not be of much comfort when I must learn to live without him by my side.
DeleteWell, Bear...we think your contract has been successfully fulfilled today. :)
ReplyDeleteNow to get paid! ~Bear Cat
DeleteNice to see so many photos of Bear. Although, I thought his contract would be more like 99 % :)
ReplyDeleteWe're renegotiating and 99% sounds right! ~Bear Cat
DeleteWe feel your pain, Bear. There are eleventy billion members of the Wonderpurr Gang and we don’t all get regularly featured. Some of us never! Well. Not me n Dori, but some of the others.
ReplyDeleteYou all should organize and demand contracts! For some reason, we imagine Rabbit would great at coordinating everything.
DeleteBear, you are so handsome and you have a fluffy tummy like me!
ReplyDeleteYou have EXCELLENT taste ;)
DeleteAww, we love that you have so many photos of Bear, Momma Kat. Here's to the next 100,00, and beyond!
ReplyDeleteDo you know how many naps those 100,000 cost me? ~Bear Cat
DeleteBear looks handsome in each photo. I couldn't choose just one. You will be getting many more photos of the BearCat.
Shoko, you have more glamour in your little claw than most cats have period. We know you try to hide it ... especially living with Kali ... but sometimes a girl's gotta get her princess on.
DeleteAre you sure Bear wasn't a lawyer in a previous life? :)
ReplyDeleteDon't give him any ideas!
DeleteAww, I love the shots of Bear! (I would say that I like the shot of Ellie, but I don't think I'm allowed to on Bear's post.)
ReplyDeleteYou still mentioned her though ... Just saying. ~Bear Cat
DeleteBear, you look very good against the green background.
ReplyDeleteI will rephrase that. You look even more handsome than usual against the green.
My Momma thinks so too. She feels the same way about your handsome boys! You should hear her going on and on about how green grass brings out their beautiful eyes. ~Bear Cat
DeleteALL Bear ALL the time! Just kidding....we know that would go to his head and we love Ellie too!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't object ... ~Bear Cat
DeleteAww... look at all those Bear photos! The camera is luving its model fur sure and Mom and I are, too! That pic of Ellie under the covers reminds me of my cousin Merly who always slept under blankets. Purr purr purr.
ReplyDeleteI've had to be creative otherwise my Momma brushes my teef! It's HORRIBLE! ~Ellie Mae