Ellie's story
My name is Ellie Mae Kat. The litter of kittens I was born into were named for fashion models! I think my floofy tail and soft black fur are consistent with being a supermodel and I love to walk my own catwalk and show my Momma and Daddy how pretty I am. But my life hasn't always been great and I haven't always had people who loved me, loved to admire me, and gave me endless cuddles just because I wanted them. I was born and adopted out as a kitten in 2010. A girl has her secrets, so I won't tell you everything that happened between my first adoption and when I was found on the street. Inquiring minds have guessed that I was a roadie for a band, traveled the world working undercover for the CIA, or maybe warmed the lap of any person who needed me. By the time I was found on the street, I was ready to retire and know the love of a forever home again. Excitement and new things aside, forever homes are always the best.

For those of you who don't know, the street is a scary place. A cat never knows where her next meal will come from, or who to trust. Plus, there are all those scary noises and human machines that spell the end for so many kitties. Worst of all, I had no one to pet me or let me lay on their laps. Living on the street wasn't just scary, it was lonely too! I wanted a home with a full food bowl, safe places to sleep, and lots of love. I promised God that if He gave me another home, I would never complain about my food bowl being empty when the humans thought it was full. And I promised Him that I would NEVER poop or pee outside of the litter box. I never had, but I wanted Him to know I would be on my very best behavior and that my people would love me and never let me go! Truth be told, I was relieved to be picked up by animal control. As scary as the other cats and dogs were - as scary as that shelter was - at least I had food and a safe place to sleep. So many times, I saw a cat carried into a room behind a huge door. What was behind that door? A cat paradise with endless laps, tuna, and sparkle balls? Or maybe they kept the catnip behind that door? I was starting to feel left out and wondering when I would be chosen to see what was behind that door. But one day, the nice lady cat next to me was taken through the door and I realized she never came out again! This lady cat's name was "FL9829302." Isn't that a strange name?!? I don't particularly LOVE my name, but it's certainly better than FL9829302. When FL9829302 never came back to her cage, I started to suspect maybe I didn't want to go in that room and see what's behind the door. What was in that room that ate all these cats?

I was lucky. My original rescue had me microchipped, so when the animal control people couldn't reach my humans, they called the rescue and the rescue came and got me. I started to think that maybe FL9829302 had been picked up by HER original rescue organization. Why else would cats go in a room, never to be seen again? But when my rescue organization came for me, we went out the front door, isn't that strange?
My rescue had me checked out - and other than yucky hookworms and a scar on my ear, I was in pretty good shape. Not all cats are so lucky. Those big, loud human machines, mean humans, contagious cat sicknesses, being exposed to the elements ... hookworms seemed like such a small price to pay given all these dangers and the mystery of what happened to FL9829302. Of course, all that poking and prodding by the kitty doctor was annoying and I gave her my best stink eye. She told me how pretty I was, but I only forgave her a little. Was I going to a new home? What would happen to me?

I ended up at the rescue's enclosures at one of those big pet stores. It was pretty lonely. And there were all these new smells and noises to get used to. The rescue volunteers only came around every so often. I was relieved there was no spooky door here though. Person after person walked past my enclosure. Each time someone peeked in my enclosure, I'd jump up and say hello by rubbing myself against the enclosure wall. Would you be my new Mom? I didn't get it. What was I doing wrong? I made sure to show people my pretty tail! And I'd dance for them! Maybe this WAS my new home. Maybe I was there to make people feel better. People seemed to smile when they saw me. But I was desperate for ear rubs and being scratched between my shoulder blades.
Then one day, a woman stopped at my enclosure and peered in. I did my little dance for her and her face lit up. She ran away. Wait?! WHAT?!?! Didn't she like me? Was I going to get in trouble for not making her happy? Was I going to have to live on the street again?

I saw the woman almost jumping up and down as she talked to one of the store employees. They looked at me and then at each other. Oh, no. What had I done wrong? The next thing I knew, the store employee, the jumping woman, and one of the rescue workers were walking toward me. The jumping woman came right to my enclosure and opened the back. I was dancing with everything I had as she lifted me up and cuddled me to her. It felt so good to be loved again. The woman pet me for what seemed like days and I enjoyed every moment. I knew this woman somehow - but I couldn't figure out from where. She gave me the best ear rubs I've ever had! Had I finally found heaven? I kept poking myself with a claw to check if I was dreaming.
The man with the jumpy lady fell in love with a bigger black cat named Darby. A handsome tabby caught his eye as well, but that quickly went by the wayside because the tabby wanted nothing to do with the man. So then the man came over to see what all the fuss was about and he commented on how soft my fur is. He told me I was pretty ... DUH! He finally convinced the jumpy woman to let him hold me and he found the spot between my shoulder blades where I melt when scratched.

The man and woman talked a lot to one of the rescue workers. I noticed the woman's face fell and I wondered what happened. The woman gave me a sad glance and they left. Wait, WHAT?! I'd aced that audition, hadn't I? What was going on?
The next week, the man and woman came back to the store. They were disappointed to find that all the rescue's kittens from kitten season were in the enclosures and I'd been moved to my foster mom's house. I get it, who doesn't love kittens?! And kittens are so much easier to place and have a better chance of being adopted. But what about MY happily ever after?
Later that day, my foster mom brought me back to the store to spend time with the man and the woman. Forget that! Hmph. I decided to show them that I was mad they left me there last time. Oh, I let them pet me a bit, but then I wanted little to do with them. When I saw them playing with the kittens and laughing at the kittens' antics, I wondered if they ever really loved me at all.
My foster mom was great, but she had many other cats and dogs that needed her more than I did. I wanted to be the star! I wanted to have my own lap whenever I wanted it! I didn't want to share my home with a bunch of other cats and dogs! An aside on my foster mom: two and a half years later, she still checks out our blog's Facebook page every so often and keeps up with what I'm up to. Isn't that wonderful? As foster mom's go, she truly was the very best. She obviously loved all of us more than most cats get in their forever homes.

A couple weeks later, my foster mom took me back to the store. Was I going back to one of the enclosures?! I kind of regretted my being mad at the man and lady. But before I knew it, the lady was back! I sat in front of the door begging my foster mom to let her in. The woman's face lit up when she saw my reaction to seeing her again. I'm sorry, I got mad! I'm so glad you're back! I love my foster mom, but I'm ready for my own home!
And sure enough, after some more talking, and the woman giving my foster mom a pile of papers and a check, the woman put me in her carrier and we were off. Was this a new foster home? Would I end up back on the street? I'd gotten my hopes up so many times and I didn't want to be wrong again. I hate being stuffed in a carrier! And I hate car rides! But the woman kept talking to me calmly and it wasn't so bad. Next thing I know, my carrier was open and I was in a new house! There was a hissy older cat that didn't seem all that happy to see me. But my new Momma wrapped me in her arms and showed me how much she loves me.

Oh, and the bath. I HATE GETTING WET and my new Momma gave me a bath. I ALMOST thought about running away and finding my foster mom again - but then she hasn't given me another bath, so I can forgive the first and only bath.
Now, I have my forever home. My Momma and Daddy love me and they've enjoyed watching me turn this place into my home. I love laps! I love sparkle balls! And I love tuna! I like to tell the humans what I think about stuff. I even kind of like my brother, that hissy older cat. He's mostly a bad example. He thinks I'm too nice. We used to fight more at the beginning, but we mostly get along now. Sometimes we play and chase each other. We don't exactly cuddle, but I've learned that sometimes you just don't know - maybe we will one day.

For those of you who don't know, the street is a scary place. A cat never knows where her next meal will come from, or who to trust. Plus, there are all those scary noises and human machines that spell the end for so many kitties. Worst of all, I had no one to pet me or let me lay on their laps. Living on the street wasn't just scary, it was lonely too! I wanted a home with a full food bowl, safe places to sleep, and lots of love. I promised God that if He gave me another home, I would never complain about my food bowl being empty when the humans thought it was full. And I promised Him that I would NEVER poop or pee outside of the litter box. I never had, but I wanted Him to know I would be on my very best behavior and that my people would love me and never let me go! Truth be told, I was relieved to be picked up by animal control. As scary as the other cats and dogs were - as scary as that shelter was - at least I had food and a safe place to sleep. So many times, I saw a cat carried into a room behind a huge door. What was behind that door? A cat paradise with endless laps, tuna, and sparkle balls? Or maybe they kept the catnip behind that door? I was starting to feel left out and wondering when I would be chosen to see what was behind that door. But one day, the nice lady cat next to me was taken through the door and I realized she never came out again! This lady cat's name was "FL9829302." Isn't that a strange name?!? I don't particularly LOVE my name, but it's certainly better than FL9829302. When FL9829302 never came back to her cage, I started to suspect maybe I didn't want to go in that room and see what's behind the door. What was in that room that ate all these cats?

I was lucky. My original rescue had me microchipped, so when the animal control people couldn't reach my humans, they called the rescue and the rescue came and got me. I started to think that maybe FL9829302 had been picked up by HER original rescue organization. Why else would cats go in a room, never to be seen again? But when my rescue organization came for me, we went out the front door, isn't that strange?
My rescue had me checked out - and other than yucky hookworms and a scar on my ear, I was in pretty good shape. Not all cats are so lucky. Those big, loud human machines, mean humans, contagious cat sicknesses, being exposed to the elements ... hookworms seemed like such a small price to pay given all these dangers and the mystery of what happened to FL9829302. Of course, all that poking and prodding by the kitty doctor was annoying and I gave her my best stink eye. She told me how pretty I was, but I only forgave her a little. Was I going to a new home? What would happen to me?
I ended up at the rescue's enclosures at one of those big pet stores. It was pretty lonely. And there were all these new smells and noises to get used to. The rescue volunteers only came around every so often. I was relieved there was no spooky door here though. Person after person walked past my enclosure. Each time someone peeked in my enclosure, I'd jump up and say hello by rubbing myself against the enclosure wall. Would you be my new Mom? I didn't get it. What was I doing wrong? I made sure to show people my pretty tail! And I'd dance for them! Maybe this WAS my new home. Maybe I was there to make people feel better. People seemed to smile when they saw me. But I was desperate for ear rubs and being scratched between my shoulder blades.
Then one day, a woman stopped at my enclosure and peered in. I did my little dance for her and her face lit up. She ran away. Wait?! WHAT?!?! Didn't she like me? Was I going to get in trouble for not making her happy? Was I going to have to live on the street again?
I saw the woman almost jumping up and down as she talked to one of the store employees. They looked at me and then at each other. Oh, no. What had I done wrong? The next thing I knew, the store employee, the jumping woman, and one of the rescue workers were walking toward me. The jumping woman came right to my enclosure and opened the back. I was dancing with everything I had as she lifted me up and cuddled me to her. It felt so good to be loved again. The woman pet me for what seemed like days and I enjoyed every moment. I knew this woman somehow - but I couldn't figure out from where. She gave me the best ear rubs I've ever had! Had I finally found heaven? I kept poking myself with a claw to check if I was dreaming.
The man with the jumpy lady fell in love with a bigger black cat named Darby. A handsome tabby caught his eye as well, but that quickly went by the wayside because the tabby wanted nothing to do with the man. So then the man came over to see what all the fuss was about and he commented on how soft my fur is. He told me I was pretty ... DUH! He finally convinced the jumpy woman to let him hold me and he found the spot between my shoulder blades where I melt when scratched.
The man and woman talked a lot to one of the rescue workers. I noticed the woman's face fell and I wondered what happened. The woman gave me a sad glance and they left. Wait, WHAT?! I'd aced that audition, hadn't I? What was going on?
The next week, the man and woman came back to the store. They were disappointed to find that all the rescue's kittens from kitten season were in the enclosures and I'd been moved to my foster mom's house. I get it, who doesn't love kittens?! And kittens are so much easier to place and have a better chance of being adopted. But what about MY happily ever after?
Later that day, my foster mom brought me back to the store to spend time with the man and the woman. Forget that! Hmph. I decided to show them that I was mad they left me there last time. Oh, I let them pet me a bit, but then I wanted little to do with them. When I saw them playing with the kittens and laughing at the kittens' antics, I wondered if they ever really loved me at all.
My foster mom was great, but she had many other cats and dogs that needed her more than I did. I wanted to be the star! I wanted to have my own lap whenever I wanted it! I didn't want to share my home with a bunch of other cats and dogs! An aside on my foster mom: two and a half years later, she still checks out our blog's Facebook page every so often and keeps up with what I'm up to. Isn't that wonderful? As foster mom's go, she truly was the very best. She obviously loved all of us more than most cats get in their forever homes.
A couple weeks later, my foster mom took me back to the store. Was I going back to one of the enclosures?! I kind of regretted my being mad at the man and lady. But before I knew it, the lady was back! I sat in front of the door begging my foster mom to let her in. The woman's face lit up when she saw my reaction to seeing her again. I'm sorry, I got mad! I'm so glad you're back! I love my foster mom, but I'm ready for my own home!
And sure enough, after some more talking, and the woman giving my foster mom a pile of papers and a check, the woman put me in her carrier and we were off. Was this a new foster home? Would I end up back on the street? I'd gotten my hopes up so many times and I didn't want to be wrong again. I hate being stuffed in a carrier! And I hate car rides! But the woman kept talking to me calmly and it wasn't so bad. Next thing I know, my carrier was open and I was in a new house! There was a hissy older cat that didn't seem all that happy to see me. But my new Momma wrapped me in her arms and showed me how much she loves me.

Oh, and the bath. I HATE GETTING WET and my new Momma gave me a bath. I ALMOST thought about running away and finding my foster mom again - but then she hasn't given me another bath, so I can forgive the first and only bath.
Now, I have my forever home. My Momma and Daddy love me and they've enjoyed watching me turn this place into my home. I love laps! I love sparkle balls! And I love tuna! I like to tell the humans what I think about stuff. I even kind of like my brother, that hissy older cat. He's mostly a bad example. He thinks I'm too nice. We used to fight more at the beginning, but we mostly get along now. Sometimes we play and chase each other. We don't exactly cuddle, but I've learned that sometimes you just don't know - maybe we will one day.

Maybe it seems like it took Momma forever to make up her mind to adopt me, but she did that because adopting a cat is a big commitment. One must be prepared financially, emotionally, practically, and realistically. My hissy older brother didn't get along with the cat my Momma had when she adopted him so she was worried that might happen again. Momma took the time to really consider what was best for her, my hissy older brother, and me. I'm glad she took a little longer to adopt me and weigh all the variables because that means it really will be forever this time. I know she didn't adopt me just because I'm cute - which can always change when reality sets in. She adopted me because I was the right cat for her. Momma will admit that I looked nothing like what she would've looked for in another cat - but my heart beats alongside hers as if it always has.

And my Daddy is pretty great too!

I hope every cat waiting for a forever home knows the joy of actually finding one. For me, it was worth the wait. Not every cat is as lucky as I was though. According to Animal 24-7 published by Merritt Clifton, each year, 2.7 million orphan shelter pets lose their lives, without finding their forever home. In honor of Remember Me Thursday, remember the rescues waiting for their forever homes. And remember that not all cats have happy endings like me. Would you open your heart to a rescue that just wants your love? I hope so because too many cats are waiting for someone to choose them - and too many die without ever having the honor of being chosen. Is it their fault? Are they less lovable somehow?
I'd say no. Many pets in shelters are terrified and don't let their true selves come out. But take a chance on one, and you'll see that everything burns just a bit brighter in your life. And you will find love like you've never experienced before. Don't let them be forgotten. Don't let them die waiting. You might be surprised, but by opening your heart to a rescue, the rescue rescues you back in ways you'd never imagine.
NOTE: Ellie's story is mostly true from what we were told, however, we have fictionalized parts to present an entire story. Of course, she hasn't told us about what it was like at the shelter and some of the finer points of her story - we used artistic license to speculate what she might've seen and thought.
What can you do to raise awareness about #RememberMeThursday?
- Use social media to share pictures of your rescue pets and raise awareness for pets that aren't so lucky. Event hashtag: #RememberMeThursday.
- Add your rescue pet photo on the #RememberMeThursday Photo Wall for a chance to win funds, food, and toys for the shelter of your choice.
- Light a virtual candle to spread awareness for orphan pets.
- Learn more about the Helen Woodward Animal Center, their program and services, and how to get involved. Or connect with them on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

What else can you do to recognize #RememberMeThursday?
- Support TNR practices locally to help reduce pet-overpopulation and eliminate extermination policies in regard to ferals.
- Make people aware that animals matter and that their lives have value. Speak out against animal abuse. The majority of people who abuse animals also abuse people. Don't let it get that far.
- Support local rescues by donating supplies, volunteering or adopting one of their pets.
- For the third year, in honor of Remember Me Thursday, we're sharing several cats available at All Paws Rescue, the rescue responsible for loving our sweet Ellie Mae until we found her. These kitties are just the kind of kitties Remember Me Thursday is meant to remember (I'm sharing them in the spirit of the day - I haven't received any other incentive). If not these kitties, visit any rescue or shelter and you'll probably find many like them. Don't let them be forgotten. To view the profiles on any of these cats, please check out All Paws Rescue, and click on their "adoptable cats" link.
- From All Paws Rescue: Do you like leg rubs and nose kisses? If you do, you will like Mousie! This quiet, gentle guy loves attention and loving! Mousie just had his annual vet trip! He is in good shape!
- From Mousie's foster Mom: Mousie sleeps by my bed, and likes to sit by me in evening, if my cats let him. He is shy at first, but then craves attention.

- From All Paws Rescue: Princess Fergie was found as a very hungry stray - she weighed less than 4 pounds! She has been friendly then mad, but now that she has been spayed the Princess is happier. She loves gentle petting, and likes to watch toys fly through the air.
- From Princess Fergie's foster Mom: Fergie can be grumpy, so would be best as an only cat. She is very loving when it's just the two of us!

- * IRENE *
- From Irene's foster Mom: Irene is the runt of a litter of 8. She seemed unsteady to me as a little kitten, but the vets and I hoped she was just developing slowly. But at this point, it is pretty sure she is a cat with Cerebellar Hypoplasia. She walks a little like a monster, stiff with a wide stance. A gentle pet may cause her to tip over. But she likes petting and is quite loving. She seems to like playing with other kittens, even though they knock her over a lot. She is a high to medium functioning CH cat—uses her litter box, able to go up and down stairs. Very sweet—she loves to rub my legs, that kind of thing. She doesn’t sit with me very often.
- From Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat: Sophie, from Kitty Cat Chronicles, doesn't let CH stop her from being an adventure cat! You can read more about her, and what CH means for a cat here: Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Irene isn't listed on All Paws Rescue's page yet - but please get in touch with them if you are interested in her!

© 2019 Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat - Published by K. Kern.
All text, pictures, images, and other content are original and copyright by Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat [K. Kern]. No part of my post may be used without my written permission. If you see this post posted on a site that isn't Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat, please contact mommakatandherbearcat@gmail.com.
Featured posts:
- To read our past Remember Me Thursday posts:
- Remember Me Thursday {writing to save lives} #RememberTheRescue [2017].
- Remember Me Thursday {writing to save lives} #RememberMeThursday [2018].
- To read more about Bear's adoption story:
- The good news is your cat is not pregnant ... the bad news is ... (or How We Met).
- Naming "Male Kitten."
- Momma's Favorite Story.
- For more on Ellie's adoption:
- Do you think cats don't need humans? You're wrong! To read more: cats need human interaction or are they completely fine on their own?
A lovely heartwarming (and lapwarming) tale. I wish all tales had that happy ending but I know they do not.
ReplyDeleteHere's to many more humans that see the light and take the steps to making better lives, not only for us shelter companions, but undoubtedly for themselves, too.
Tails? Happy endings?
DeleteWhat a sweet story! I can see Ellie is very loved and loving in her forever home. Sometimes I look at our rescue cats and wonder what their lives were like before and during their time in the shelter. Much like this story, theirs also had happy endings.
ReplyDeleteI wonder too! ESPECIALLY about Bear since I found him on the street. At least we know what Ellie was born into to some extent.
DeleteWe really didn't know all of your story sweet Ellie, you sure hit the jackpot pretty girl. We sure hope many, many more get to be the lucky ones too.
ReplyDeleteI agree! Even Bear agrees! ~Ellie Mae
DeleteEllie Mae, you definitely are a super model! We're so glad you were rescued off the streets, and trust me, Lexy and I know how horrible the streets are. Thanks for joining our blog hop and shining a light on pet adoption.
ReplyDeleteOne of our favorite days of the year!
DeleteThank you for sharing your story. We're glad your Momma came back and got you.
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
Me too!
DeleteThat's a very cool story, Ellie - we mean the part where you found your forever home! We are so glad that you found a loving and wonderful home with loving humans! Your mom may not have thought you were the kitty she was looking for at first, but I know she heard you loud and clear when you told her you were her kitty! And I know she loves you very, very much <3
ReplyDeleteI DID tell her I was her kitty! Did you hear me from there? ~Ellie Mae
DeleteEllie you my pretty little lady certainly found the lap of luxury and love at your home......
ReplyDelete(mol) even though you have to deal with da brudder, Bear
Hugs Cecilia
Even he's not THAT bad ... err ... MOST of the time. ~Ellie Mae
DeleteYou're right, adopting a cat is a big commitment! But I'm glad your momma adopted you. You ended up in a wonderful and loving home!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy and I love my home! ~Ellie Mae
DeleteEllie's story is heartwarming and so touching. Thanks for sharing.
Our pleasure :)
DeleteYour story of how you got your forever home is lovely, Ellie. I wish all kitties were as lucky as you.
ReplyDeleteMe too! ~Ellie Mae
DeleteYou hit the jackpot in forever homes, Ellie! It was meant to be.
ReplyDeleteWe all did!
DeleteEllie, you are one of the lucky ones. We purr for all those still waiting to find their forever homes.
ReplyDeleteWe're right there with you!
DeleteGreat post. I am glad you found a wonderful forever home Ellie. Thank you for the kind words your mom left on my blog for the loss of my Noel. XO
ReplyDeleteMe too!
DeleteWhat a beautiful story!
ReplyDeleteIt reminded of my life as a kitten abandoned in someone's garden in London. I was scared and lonely too. The bit when you met your mom and you went to your forever home melted my heart. We are lucky that we have such amazing mums to take care of us. Wish all animals had that.
We do too! So many humans are cruel and ugly - but we've been lucky enough to encounter the good and loving ones too.
DeleteMy heart is full reading this Ellie. I loved all of your story and while your mom had to speak for you several times, I know she did so with your heart to heart communication. It's not audible, but it is sound and true. I wish all cats could have a mom and dad who love them and accept the love WE have to give in return. Just as you and Bear love your mom and dad...most of us do as well, and we show it. Sending a lot of love to you Ellie. You are a precious soul.
ReplyDeleteShe's a pain in the [censored] HEY! I was typing! ~Bear Cat
DeleteWe agree. Ellie is such a sweet cat and I can't imagine anyone even thinking of giving her up!
Oh Ellie, we were so glad when awnty Kat adopted you. We know Bear may not have always been thrilled to have to share his mommy, trust me, me knows all 'bout that. But, we're glad ya'll have worked it out and are a happy furever family. And we're so happy to be your furiends. Big hugs
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Dezi and Raena
I'm very lucky! Then again, so is Momma ;) ~Ellie Mae
DeleteI just loved reading Ellie's story! We ca only imagine their back stories, and sometimes I wish they could tell us more. We also have our theories about what happened to Sly Pie before coming to us. My husband has a more fanciful idea about Sly Pie having belonged to a feral colony by the river, straight out of a tale from the Warrior Cats series. LOL I just think he must have been abandoned and was looking for a new home because he wasn't scared of us.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad Ellie found you and I love those touching momma and kitty pics :)
I just don't understand why these sweet loving cats end up being abandoned. I struggled for years to explain Bear - there was a feral colony nearby - be he never acted feral. Or maybe he was and I was different. Just like with Bear, I can't imagine my life without Ellie now. And watching the two of them makes me happy. We feel like a family - and as much as I sometimes miss it being just Bear and I, this is much better.
DeleteSweet Ellie, I think you hit the jackpot when it comes to winning the ultimate lottery win on fur-ever homes.
ReplyDeleteI agree! ~Ellie Mae
DeleteThank you for sharing your gotcha tale with us, Ellie. It baffles us how such a loving kitty as you could ever be abandoned. But you are in your perfect forever loving home now, sweet girl. XO
ReplyDeleteMy Momma wonders that all the time! But she figures it's their loss! ~Ellie Mae
DeleteWhat a sweet and beautiful story ! We're so glad you found your forever home ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteUs too!
Deletethis was a PURRFECT Remember Me Thursday post!
ReplyDeleteThank you! That means a lot!
DeleteEllie, you were destined to join the home of Momma Kat, Bear and The Boy. Life just sure took you down some strange and scary paths before it could unite you with your new family. And it is obvious that you are a very loved kitty these days. Purr purr purr.
ReplyDeleteIt is true. We are both very lucky, Valentine. ~Ellie Mae