We've come a long way from the time The Boy thought we should take Ellie back because Bear couldn't keep his fangs to himself. And they ***ALMOST*** enjoy each others' company. They certainly know how to work together to procure treats, get my attention and cause all kinds of trouble. Bear used to misbehave to get attention or when he was bored; now, that's displaced to Ellie and she bears the brunt of his penchant to prove he's his own cat.
Ellie is so incredibly sweet ... until she finds catnip, and then all bets are off. Bear's more complex, more temperamental and harder to please. Today's post is a celebration of their evolving relationship and my love for them in pictures. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking and editing them.
"What are you two doing?" ~Momma Kat
"Why do I have a hard time believing that?" ~Momma Kat
"What are we doing?!? What does it LOOK like we're doing? WORLD PEACE!!!" ~Bear Cat

"What are we doing?!? What does it LOOK like we're doing? WORLD PEACE!!!" ~Bear Cat
"Walk along ... nothing to see here. WHAT?!?! I'm not being mean to my sister! I could be doing any of a million OTHER THINGS." ~Bear Cat
"Or not." ~Ellie Mae
"Shut up." ~Bear Cat
"Be cool! Be cool! Pretend you're innocent." ~Bear Cat
"I AM innocent. You're the one causing problems!" ~Ellie Mae
"Well, then ... see ... Momma made me walk ALL the way down the hall to get the fresh kibble. She could've let me have some in the kitchen when she filled the bowl ... but I had to ... " ~Ellie Mae
{Bear snickers}
"She's behind me, isn't she?" ~Ellie Mae
"You never return the favor!" ~Bear Cat
"Momma told you to keep your tongue to yourself! Who knows where ELSE that tongue has been!" ~Ellie Mae
"Would you prefer I lick your butt?" ~Bear Cat
"Oh. THESE treats. I'm just protecting them from Bear." ~Ellie Mae
"I want to help you unpack!" ~Ellie Mae
"She's really just asking where the catnip is." ~Bear Cat

"I thought you both wanted to help me unpack!" ~Momma Kat
"I thought you both wanted to help me unpack!" ~Momma Kat
"We're taking a break." ~Ellie Mae
"Neither of you did anything!" ~Momma Kat
"What is that?" ~Bear Cat"A shark bed." ~Momma Kat
"Did we get any catnip?" ~Ellie Mae
"But we don't have a ... OOOH! I'm the SHARK! Naaaah NAH. Naaaah NAH. N-AH N-AH N-AH ... " ~Bear Cat
"I think they call that enabling." ~The Boy
"Is there any catnip in there?! I smell catnip!" ~Ellie Mae
"Get away from my bed! I'M the shark. If Momma gets a doofus bed or a smelly bed ... you're welcome to them." ~Bear Cat
"You got the shark bed! What do I get?" ~Ellie Mae
"If I find the catnip, will you leave my bed alone?" ~Bear Cat
"Now, THAT'S enabling!" ~Momma Kat
"Call it what you want ... DOOFUS ... DOOF-ASS ... but peace has a price. And I'm going to find that catnip so I can nap in peace in my new bed." ~Bear Cat

"Ooh! A mousie! Just wait until after my nap ... I'll do unspeakable things to you!" ~Bear Cat
"Wait a ... what does THIS do?!?!" ~Bear Cat
"Oops. I think I broke it ... just kick it under the bag here ..." ~Bear Cat
"Oops. I think I broke it ... just kick it under the bag here ..." ~Bear Cat

"AHA! The catnip's in this green shirt!" ~Bear Cat

"Oh, catnip ... I love you! You save me from a lifetime of annoyances by my stupid sister! I'm so happy I need to give you a hug! I love you, man! Hmmm ... this stuff is strong ... maybe I should keep it for myself! No ... no ... it's for a good cause. A great person once said, 'It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.' True THAT!" ~Bear Cat
"Oh, catnip ... I love you! You save me from a lifetime of annoyances by my stupid sister! I'm so happy I need to give you a hug! I love you, man! Hmmm ... this stuff is strong ... maybe I should keep it for myself! No ... no ... it's for a good cause. A great person once said, 'It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.' True THAT!" ~Bear Cat
"AHA!" ~Ellie Mae
"You just realized how stupid and smelly you are?" ~Bear Cat
"I found the catnip!!! HUH?!?! The bag is wet! How did the bag get ... BEAR! You drooled on MY bag of catnip!!! Give it here!" ~Ellie Mae
"Wait ... wait ... one last ..." ~Bear Cat
"You inhaled! You're not supposed to inhale! That excludes you from being president!"~Ellie Mae
"Then I guess it's good that I have no interest in being president." ~Bear Cat
"MINE! MINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINE!!! My precious! We wants it ... we NEEDS it ... my precious!" ~Ellie Mae

"It's good stuff, but that's going a little too far isn't it?" ~Bear Cat
"Do you MIND?!?! We're having a moment!" ~Ellie Mae

"No, Smellie. We will NEVER have a moment." ~Bear Cat
"I was talking about the catnip." ~Ellie Mae

"Oh. Right. That's dedication. Play on ... and leave me alone!!!" ~Bear Cat
"Oops. I have no idea how this happened! I SWEAR!!!" ~Ellie Mae

"Hahahaha. SOME kitty's in trouble! Now that Ellie is busy getting her Nip on ... OH! It is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known. Yep. That sounds about right." ~Bear Cat
"Wait ... wait ... one last ..." ~Bear Cat
"You inhaled! You're not supposed to inhale! That excludes you from being president!"~Ellie Mae
"Then I guess it's good that I have no interest in being president." ~Bear Cat
"MINE! MINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINEMINE!!! My precious! We wants it ... we NEEDS it ... my precious!" ~Ellie Mae
"It's good stuff, but that's going a little too far isn't it?" ~Bear Cat
"Do you MIND?!?! We're having a moment!" ~Ellie Mae

"No, Smellie. We will NEVER have a moment." ~Bear Cat
"I was talking about the catnip." ~Ellie Mae
"Oh. Right. That's dedication. Play on ... and leave me alone!!!" ~Bear Cat
"Oops. I have no idea how this happened! I SWEAR!!!" ~Ellie Mae
"Hahahaha. SOME kitty's in trouble! Now that Ellie is busy getting her Nip on ... OH! It is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known. Yep. That sounds about right." ~Bear Cat
"Finally! It's about time she left me a ..." ~Bear Cat
{Ellie giggles}
"She's behind me ... isn't she?!" ~Bear Cat
"She's behind me ... isn't she?!" ~Bear Cat
"It's moving! It's moving! If I pounce at just the right ..." ~Ellie Mae
"HEY! That's my tail!" ~Bear Cat
"Speaking of tails ... isn't my tail nice and bushy and not short and thin like yours?!" ~Ellie Mae

"I suggest you get that out of my face before you lose ..." ~Bear Cat
"TAIL!" ~Ellie Mae
"Sisters. They're always all up in one's grill heckling you! SWEET my rump!" ~Bear Cat
"Did someone say TREATS?!?" ~Ellie Mae
"SWEET!" ~Bear Cat
"SWEET!" ~Bear Cat
"Where?" ~Ellie Mae
"NOOOOOOO. I was saying you aren't sweet. Nothing about treats." ~Bear Cat
"Nuts! You think if we ask nicely, Momma might get them out?" ~Ellie Mae

"She'll never find me here. This is the perfect hiding spot from that Smellie sister of mine." ~Bear Cat

"Hmmm ... now what do I do?!? Nap? Eat? Dreaming of torties and tasty whole chickens?! So many wonderful options." ~Bear Cat

"This is BORING!!! This bed should DO something. Like bazooka sisters. Or double as a tank. Speaking of, at least SHE'S not around here ... " ~Bear Cat

"I see something MOVING in ... Don't worry, Momma! I'll get it!" ~Ellie Mae
"Just because it moves doesn't make it a toy." ~Bear Cat
"She'll never find me here. This is the perfect hiding spot from that Smellie sister of mine." ~Bear Cat
"Hmmm ... now what do I do?!? Nap? Eat? Dreaming of torties and tasty whole chickens?! So many wonderful options." ~Bear Cat
"This is BORING!!! This bed should DO something. Like bazooka sisters. Or double as a tank. Speaking of, at least SHE'S not around here ... " ~Bear Cat
"I see something MOVING in ... Don't worry, Momma! I'll get it!" ~Ellie Mae
"Just because it moves doesn't make it a toy." ~Bear Cat
"HEY! Keep your paws off my ..." ~Bear Cat
"Turn around and I'll whap your front side too." ~Ellie Mae
"That's RIGHT! Mess with me again and I'll ... err ... oh, @#$! I'm too tired to even think up a threat!" ~Bear Cat
"FINALLY! She's ... HEY, Momma!!!! I had this bed in just the right spot for me! And you moved it!" ~Bear Cat
"If I owned a chicken farm ... how many tasty whole chickens would there be?! Do tasty whole chickens leap over the moon and bring back cheese?! And what came first ... the chicken or the tuna?" ~Bear Cat
When the kitty mob means business ...
"What?! You've never seen a cat play with a kickstick before?! I'm teaching this one a lesson it won't forget." ~Bear Cat
"That you're a wimp?" ~Ellie Mae
"I think I have ten black cat sisters ... every time I turn around ... AHH! Scare the heck out of me!" ~Bear Cat
The best game in a cat blogging household?! Musical beds ... Sleeping around ... So many choices, so little time ... Round and round we go, where we'll sleep, nobody knows ...
"I know my catnip is in here somewhere ..." ~Ellie Mae

"If I could just get under this ... TREATS! No! NO! Keep on task ... I'll have my way with the treats later." ~Ellie Mae

"If I could just get under this ... TREATS! No! NO! Keep on task ... I'll have my way with the treats later." ~Ellie Mae
"AHA!!!! My precious! We wants it ... we needs it ..." ~Ellie Mae
"Momma thought the plastic baggie would stop me! HMPH!" ~Ellie Mae

"IN! Score! Now I just have to be sure Momma doesn't catch me ..." ~Ellie Mae

"SNORGLE SNORGLE SNORGLE ... oooh! This is GOOOOOD!!!!" ~Ellie Mae
"ELLIE! You're covered in catnip!" ~Momma Kat

"I didn't do it! I swear! I was just sitting here watching Bear lick his butt ... and all of a sudden, the bag of catnip EXPLODED all over the place! I'm lucky I'm still alive!!!" ~Ellie Mae
"IN! Score! Now I just have to be sure Momma doesn't catch me ..." ~Ellie Mae
"SNORGLE SNORGLE SNORGLE ... oooh! This is GOOOOOD!!!!" ~Ellie Mae
"ELLIE! You're covered in catnip!" ~Momma Kat
"I didn't do it! I swear! I was just sitting here watching Bear lick his butt ... and all of a sudden, the bag of catnip EXPLODED all over the place! I'm lucky I'm still alive!!!" ~Ellie Mae
"Good grief! Look at this mess!" ~Momma Kat
"I'll just take this bag of catnip and be going ..." ~Ellie Mae

"It's MINE! All MINE! Hehehehehehehehehehehehe!" ~Ellie Mae

"Nip always makes me sleepy ... I have to stretch ... must keep my svelte figure." ~Ellie Mae
"It's MINE! All MINE! Hehehehehehehehehehehehe!" ~Ellie Mae
"Nip always makes me sleepy ... I have to stretch ... must keep my svelte figure." ~Ellie Mae
"If that's svelte, I'm a monkey's uncle!" ~Bear Cat

"HEY! That's MY catnip! I did all the hard work to dig it out and chew through the bag! I'm not going to share!" ~Ellie Mae
"HEY! That's MY catnip! I did all the hard work to dig it out and chew through the bag! I'm not going to share!" ~Ellie Mae
"I'll fight you for it!" ~Bear Cat
"Bring it on!" ~Ellie Mae
"HA!!! Why don't you leave the catnip to the pro!" ~Bear Cat
"The only thing you're a pro at is being an @$$hole! HOW RUDE! I did all the work and you stole my Nip!" ~Ellie Mae
"Phht. And people say sisters have no value!" ~Bear Cat
"Just for the record ... we're not touching because we're not looking at each other!" ~Ellie Mae

When you're so tired, you don't care who's in bed with you ...

"Another ten pictures?!?! Really?!?! I mean ... REALLY?!?! You've never seen two cats in the same bed before?" ~Bear Cat

When you're so tired, you don't care who's in bed with you ...
"Another ten pictures?!?! Really?!?! I mean ... REALLY?!?! You've never seen two cats in the same bed before?" ~Bear Cat
When the cats can't agree on whose bed it is ... and refuse to cede it to the other ...
"My Momma's the BEST THING EVER!" ~Ellie Mae
"BARF!!!!" ~Bear Cat
"But true." ~Bear Cat
Which picture is your favorite?! Want to share another caption for a picture?!
Have a question about one of the cats? Feedback on our blog?! We'd LOVE to hear from you!
Sounds like all's back to normal in the Bear household. You two are very lucky that your mom got you all those lovely gifts from BP. I just hope for your sake, Bear, theres plenty more of that nip around to keep Ellie out of your awesome new shark suit!
ReplyDeleteToodle pips and happy musical bed purrs
The life of a blogging cat is pretty sweet. Not only do we get to try cool stuff - but we have a built in audience too!
DeleteHaving two cats is a riot! It's all fun and games until somebody bites somebody. I can't decide on a favorite pic, but I love the ones where Bear & Ellie Mae are getting into your stuff from BlogPaws. :)
ReplyDeleteThey work well as a team ... well, until they want the same thing ...
DeleteThey are all lovely photos. Bear must be so happy that he has his very own shark bed.
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteOkay, the musical beds was my favorite until I got to the end... "But true." ~Bear Cat ... All together now...AWWWWW! You love your momma, you really do!
ReplyDeleteHe's just a Momma's boy. ~Ellie Mae
DeleteI'm just a Momma's boy. ~Bear Cat
Bear and Ellie look like they are best friends. Thanks for sharing the photos. Bear has the life with his own shark bed now. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteWorld of Animals
Best friends is still a work in progress ... but I think we are farther than they on!
DeleteOh Ellie, we didn't know you were so... into... the nip. You might need an intervention, girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm cute ... right?! ~Ellie Mae
DeleteWe so wished that Angel would be able to get along with Manny and Chili Bruce, At least no fighting/hissing… So, consider yourselves lucky!
ReplyDeleteWe do! But don't lose hope. The last few months here have made all the difference. We've had Ellie since last July!
DeleteI knew you two would get along, I just knew it...been there, done that!
ReplyDeleteMomma tries not to speak too soon ... the last couple of times Momma was sure we were over the worst - there was a death match!
DeleteAMARULA: Bear I can totally sympathize! Thanks goodness you have that wonderful shark bed (and thanks for the open invite to join you!!)
ReplyDeleteSiblings! PHHT! Like we aren't enough cat by ourselves! ~Bear Cat
DeleteYou should be so proud of how far they have come! I am certain they love each other...sibling rivalry is normal! My favorite photos are the one where Ellie is trying to get Bear's tail and ALL of the photos of Bear in that shark. I love them both but you know that I am particularly partial to Bear because he is a TABBY! Have a great weekend! catchatwithcarenandcody
ReplyDeleteBear and the shark bed deserve each other :)
DeleteThey're so sweet together. Bear, when you're in your shark bed do you dream about torties jumping out of tasty whole chickens (instead of a cake)?
ReplyDeleteI know what I'm doing later ... ~Bear Cat
DeleteThe shark bed is so perfect for Bear! They look like they get along great, and like typical siblings. Our cats always got along perfectly....never a fight, ever. But we had this one cat, Don Juan, who just seemed to be a calming influence on everyone. I think he always smoothed things over. We've had issues with dogs though, but while they had their spats, in the end they really did love each other. It seems the same with these two!
ReplyDeleteJan, Wag 'n Woof Pets
The shark bed IS perfect. Bear and Ellie's relationship is a work in progress :)
DeleteThere are so many cute photos, but the last two are our favorites. EllieMae and Momma Kat are so sweet snuggling. Our mom was wondering how that shark bed would do with a hole on each end. Looks like exactly what she suspected happened. It definitely looks as if you are both enjoying the new bed. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
ReplyDeleteYour Mom was right about the bed!
DeleteI'm a snuggle-bunny! ~Ellie Mae
Bear peeking out of the Shark bed is just the cutest thing ever. What an innocent face he has ;-)
ReplyDeleteToo bad the rest of him isn't innocent :)
DeleteIt makes me happy to see you two so close together and getting along. That is a cool shark bed, you are lucky kitties.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me happy too!
DeleteLooks like your mama scored big at BlogPaws. Civility among siblings can be pretty fleeting. Enjoy your bed & nip.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteThanks so very much for sharing all the wonderful pics! It is so-o hard to choose a favorite, but I guess if I had to it would be the one of you Bear, resting on the bed and Ellie's head is peaking out from below the bed as she sneaks up on you! Tee hee hee! P.S. Ellie, I get sleepy on nip, too! Maybe it's a chat noir thing! Hugs! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews
ReplyDeleteYou think it's because we're so gorgeous, V? ;) ~Ellie Mae
DeleteAww, we love that you're starting to get along, Bear and Ellie! We would have to say the first and last photos are our favies. It's all about the love!
ReplyDeleteWe agree!
DeleteGoodness, you two are adorable when you are close to one another. We know . . . *barf* And we were thinking how right Bear looks in that shark's mouth, er, we mean shark bed.
ReplyDeleteMomma goes on and on about us! UGH! ~Bear Cat
DeleteWe luv all the fotos. There's no way we could pick just one. OMC A bag of nip? We luv us some nip. It makes us really playful and a bit feisty. MOL That looks like a great shark bed ya' got there Bear. We're sure you'll share it with Ellie, right? MOL Ya'll have fun. Big hugs
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Dezi and Raena
I don't SHARE it ... she steals it! Okay okay, so I have another favorite bed and I suppose it shouldn't be a big deal for her to use the shark bed when I'm not. ~Bear Cat