BC: Bear Cat
MK: Momma KatDaily conversation - The collar:
{Momma and The Boy walk in the front door ... talking to each other}

The Boy: Hi, Buddy.
BC: {narrowing his eyes at The Boy} My name is BEAR, moron!
The Boy: I know that! It's a nickname like when your Momma calls you Love Bug or Snuggle Bug or just Bug!
BC: Phht. We're not on a nickname basis!
The Boy: You called me Daddy yesterday!
BC: As an INSULT! Holy cat crap on a cracker ... you're too stupid to figure out when I'm insulting you!
The Boy: And your Momma joked that I should've bought you a fish from the pet supply store! They had all kinds of pretty fish. But if you're INSULTING me ...
BC: Pet supply store?!?!? What'd you get me?
BC: A tasty whole chicken?
The Boy: Bear ...
BC: TREATS?!?!?!

MK: But ...
BC: WHAT?!?! What'd you get me? FOOD?!?!?!
MK: Not exactly.
BC: Kibble?
The Boy: Hahahaha. "Not exactly food" means kibble!
MK: Don't encourage him!
MK: Bear ...
BC: WHOA! You FINALLY got my cat hammock!
MK: {sigh}.
BC: TOYS?!?!?! I need more micey!
MK: Bear, you have over twenty micey and so many toys you usually can't pick just one to play with.

BC: That sounds like I don't have enough!
BC: SOOOOOOO ... what did you get ME?!?!?!
MK: A collar.
BC: I'm sorry ... that doesn't compute.

BC: WHAT?!?!?! Is this a JOKE?!?!
MK: No.
BC: And just what did I ever do to you?
MK: Are you seriously asking that question?
The Boy: Hahahahahahaha. Yeah, that'd be a stupid one.
BC: WHO ASKED YOU?!?!?! Was this YOUR idea? Sure. Just persecute the cute, sweet, and innocent kitty cat who you've already royally screwed over!
The Boy: Ummm ... is there a cute, sweet, and innocent kitty cat around here? Because I haven't met him or her.
BC: SERIOUSLY? ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?! Make yourself scarce or I'm the shark!
The Boy: Last night was MORE than enough, thank you.
BC: You're NOT welcome. This was YOUR idea, wasn't it?
MK: No, Bear. It was my idea. Since we've been blogging, I noticed that most of our friends with indoor only cats still put collars on their cats just in case. It sounds like a pretty good idea.
BC: But ... but ... I haven't been outside in MONTHS! YEARS! I don't even remember what grass tastes like when I'm barfing it back up!
MK: What happens if you run outside and get lost?
BC: I promise to just stay in our yard!
MK: No.
MK: {sigh}.
The Boy: He's got a point. He's too scared to go out very far. The first car or person he hears, he's at the front door, banging to be let back in.
BC: I'm not SCARED! I'm a ferocious Bear Cat! Who's the shark?
The Boy: It doesn't count when you know the victim won't retaliate.
BC: Are YOU the expert on having balls and being fearless? I think not.
The Boy: HEY ....
BC: So how does the collar thing work? Can you show me on you?
MK: What?
BC: Yeah. Put the collar on yourself to demonstrate to me how it works.
The Boy: That's it! If you do that, I'm leaving!
MK: Bear's got a point ... maybe it would be better if I showed him ...
BC: DUDE! You should have seen when she demonstrated how to sit in a box!
MK: HEY! I thought you were missing an essential experience of cathood by not sitting in boxes ... so I just provided the example on how to do it!
The Boy: That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
BC: Yeah, no kidding. Especially since she didn't compare the size of the box relative to her doughnut butt! She sat in the box and then it was stuck on her butt when she stood back up! Hahahahaha. PRICELESS! It was even funnier than watching her fit into some of her clothes when she refuses to admit all the doughnuts she eats might make them too small!
The Boy: Hahahahahahahaha. {Seeing Momma's face} Err ... honey?
The Boy: Bear gets me in trouble on purpose!
BC: You don't need my help at all there smarty-pants!
MK: Time to try out the collar, Bear.

BC: Over my dead body!
The Boy: I can arrange that!
BC: HEY! Who asked you?
MK: Bear, that's enough. Let me ...
The Boy: Hahahahaha. BEAR in unBEARable pa ...
BC: Take that!
MK: There.

{The bell on the collar rings as Bear runs around}
{The bell on the collar rings as Bear runs around}
BC: AHHHHHH! It's following me! It's following me!!! It's going to kill me! It's going to kill me!
MK: Come here, Bear. I'll take the bell off.
BC: NO! NO! Don't touch me! You did this to me! I HATE YOU!
MK: Come here, Bug. {Momma picks Bear up}.


The Boy: Some kitty is spoiled ... he just melts right in your arms!
MK: No.
BC: And just what did I ever do to you?
MK: Are you seriously asking that question?
The Boy: Hahahahahahaha. Yeah, that'd be a stupid one.
BC: WHO ASKED YOU?!?!?! Was this YOUR idea? Sure. Just persecute the cute, sweet, and innocent kitty cat who you've already royally screwed over!
The Boy: Ummm ... is there a cute, sweet, and innocent kitty cat around here? Because I haven't met him or her.
BC: SERIOUSLY? ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?! Make yourself scarce or I'm the shark!
The Boy: Last night was MORE than enough, thank you.
BC: You're NOT welcome. This was YOUR idea, wasn't it?
MK: No, Bear. It was my idea. Since we've been blogging, I noticed that most of our friends with indoor only cats still put collars on their cats just in case. It sounds like a pretty good idea.
BC: But ... but ... I haven't been outside in MONTHS! YEARS! I don't even remember what grass tastes like when I'm barfing it back up!
MK: What happens if you run outside and get lost?
BC: I promise to just stay in our yard!
MK: No.
MK: {sigh}.
The Boy: He's got a point. He's too scared to go out very far. The first car or person he hears, he's at the front door, banging to be let back in.
BC: I'm not SCARED! I'm a ferocious Bear Cat! Who's the shark?
The Boy: It doesn't count when you know the victim won't retaliate.
BC: Are YOU the expert on having balls and being fearless? I think not.
The Boy: HEY ....
BC: So how does the collar thing work? Can you show me on you?
MK: What?
BC: Yeah. Put the collar on yourself to demonstrate to me how it works.
The Boy: That's it! If you do that, I'm leaving!
MK: Bear's got a point ... maybe it would be better if I showed him ...
BC: DUDE! You should have seen when she demonstrated how to sit in a box!
MK: HEY! I thought you were missing an essential experience of cathood by not sitting in boxes ... so I just provided the example on how to do it!
The Boy: That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
BC: Yeah, no kidding. Especially since she didn't compare the size of the box relative to her doughnut butt! She sat in the box and then it was stuck on her butt when she stood back up! Hahahahaha. PRICELESS! It was even funnier than watching her fit into some of her clothes when she refuses to admit all the doughnuts she eats might make them too small!
The Boy: Hahahahahahahaha. {Seeing Momma's face} Err ... honey?
The Boy: Bear gets me in trouble on purpose!
BC: You don't need my help at all there smarty-pants!
MK: Time to try out the collar, Bear.

BC: Over my dead body!
The Boy: I can arrange that!
BC: HEY! Who asked you?
MK: Bear, that's enough. Let me ...
The Boy: Hahahahaha. BEAR in unBEARable pa ...
BC: Take that!
MK: There.

{The bell on the collar rings as Bear runs around}
{The bell on the collar rings as Bear runs around}
BC: AHHHHHH! It's following me! It's following me!!! It's going to kill me! It's going to kill me!
MK: Come here, Bear. I'll take the bell off.
BC: NO! NO! Don't touch me! You did this to me! I HATE YOU!
MK: Come here, Bug. {Momma picks Bear up}.

BC: RATS! Damn my purrer! One of these days I'm going to gain control over the ... the ... PUUUURRRRRRRRRRR ... RATS! Unhand me woman! Oooooooooooh! Ear rubs! PUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

The Boy: Some kitty is spoiled ... he just melts right in your arms!
MK: There. The bell is off.
BC: HUH?!? What? Why did you quit petting me? HEY!
{Bear rubs the side of his face back and forth on Momma's hand}
MK: I love you, Bug.
BC: Hey! How you doin'? Like my collar? It has YOUR name on it!
The Boy: Your pick up lines need work.
BC: This from the guy who landed my Momma.
The Boy: Hahahahaha ... err ... I was kidding, honey! SEE?!?! I told you Bear gets me in trouble all the ...
BC: Hey! How you doin'? Like my collar? It has YOUR name on it!
The Boy: Your pick up lines need work.
BC: This from the guy who landed my Momma.
The Boy: Hahahahaha ... err ... I was kidding, honey! SEE?!?! I told you Bear gets me in trouble all the ...
BC: Calling all torties! Calling all torties!
The Boy: What's your obsession with torties?
BC: Have you ever met a tortie in catson?
The Boy: Catson? Oh. Person, but a cat. No.
BC: Then you wouldn't understand. Let's just say they're out of your league.
The Boy: You never met a tortie face-to-face either! You'd run!
MK: He did meet a tortie face-to-face outside once ... and he panicked.
BC: She was a groupie! I almost lost my fur!
The Boy: He's ridiculous.
BC: Talking about yourself?
BC: Hmmmmmm? Now, QUIET ON THE SET! {AHEM}.
The Boy: What's your obsession with torties?
BC: Have you ever met a tortie in catson?
The Boy: Catson? Oh. Person, but a cat. No.
BC: Then you wouldn't understand. Let's just say they're out of your league.
The Boy: You never met a tortie face-to-face either! You'd run!
MK: He did meet a tortie face-to-face outside once ... and he panicked.
BC: She was a groupie! I almost lost my fur!
The Boy: He's ridiculous.
BC: Talking about yourself?
BC: Hmmmmmm? Now, QUIET ON THE SET! {AHEM}.
{To the beat of LMFAO's "Sexy And I Know It."}
When I saunter by,
my sexy makes the girls sigh.
Many torties to meet,
shaking my hot tail to the beat.
This is how I stroll,
tabby stripes, sexy out of control.
I'm Bear Cat, the master of claws,
Like catwalk models for applause.
Hottie, look at this body.
Hottie, look at this body.
Hottie, look at this body.
I rock out.
Hottie look at this body.
Hottie look at this body.
Hottie look at this body.
I rock out.
BC: When I walk on the street, this is what I see,
hot girl kitties stop and they stare at me.
I got passion in my stripes,
and I'm not afraid to show it.
I'm sexy and I know it.
I'm sexy and I know it.
Check it out, check it out.
BC: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.

MK: Oh, my head.
BC: Want more of THIS?!?! Huh?

I'm too sexy for my house,
Too sexy for my house,
Don't you think so, my little mouse?
BC: I'm a handsome kitty, you know what I mean,
And I shake my little tail on the catwalk,
Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah,
I shake my little tail on the catwalk.
BC: I'm too sexy for my fur,
Too sexy for my fur,
Just listen to me PURRRRRR.
BC: I'm too sexy for my mom,
Too sexy for my mom,
Ain't I just the mother-meowing bomb!
BC: I'm a handsome kitty, you know what I mean,
And I shake my cute little butt on the catwalk,
Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah
I shake my cute little butt on the catwalk.
BC: I'm too sexy for my teeth,
Too sexy for my teeth,
You can't imagine the unbearable pain they bequeath!
BC: I'm too sexy for my claws,
Too sexy for my claws,
And too sexy even for my adorable paws!
BC: I'm a handsome kitty, you know what I mean,
And I shake my little tail on the catwalk,
Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah
I shake my little tail on the catwalk.
BC: I'm too sexy for my tail,
Too sexy for my tail,
You can't measure my pounds of sexy on any scale!


The Boy: I'll lock the doors and windows to ensure we won't be smashed in a tortie stampede.
BC: That's the smartest thing you've said since you moved in!
The Boy: I was being sarcastic! You'd run under the bed.
BC: Hmmm. Not a bad idea. Better to be safe than sorry. Torties are frisky.

When I saunter by,
my sexy makes the girls sigh.
Many torties to meet,
shaking my hot tail to the beat.
This is how I stroll,
tabby stripes, sexy out of control.
I'm Bear Cat, the master of claws,
Like catwalk models for applause.
Hottie, look at this body.
Hottie, look at this body.
Hottie, look at this body.
I rock out.
Hottie look at this body.
Hottie look at this body.
Hottie look at this body.
I rock out.
BC: When I walk on the street, this is what I see,
hot girl kitties stop and they stare at me.
I got passion in my stripes,
and I'm not afraid to show it.
I'm sexy and I know it.
I'm sexy and I know it.
Check it out, check it out.
BC: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.

MK: Oh, my head.
BC: Want more of THIS?!?! Huh?

I'm too sexy for my house,
Too sexy for my house,
Don't you think so, my little mouse?
BC: I'm a handsome kitty, you know what I mean,
And I shake my little tail on the catwalk,
Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah,
I shake my little tail on the catwalk.
BC: I'm too sexy for my fur,
Too sexy for my fur,
Just listen to me PURRRRRR.
BC: I'm too sexy for my mom,
Too sexy for my mom,
Ain't I just the mother-meowing bomb!
BC: I'm a handsome kitty, you know what I mean,
And I shake my cute little butt on the catwalk,
Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah
I shake my cute little butt on the catwalk.
BC: I'm too sexy for my teeth,
Too sexy for my teeth,
You can't imagine the unbearable pain they bequeath!
BC: I'm too sexy for my claws,
Too sexy for my claws,
And too sexy even for my adorable paws!
BC: I'm a handsome kitty, you know what I mean,
And I shake my little tail on the catwalk,
Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah
I shake my little tail on the catwalk.
BC: I'm too sexy for my tail,
Too sexy for my tail,
You can't measure my pounds of sexy on any scale!


The Boy: I'll lock the doors and windows to ensure we won't be smashed in a tortie stampede.
BC: That's the smartest thing you've said since you moved in!
The Boy: I was being sarcastic! You'd run under the bed.
BC: Hmmm. Not a bad idea. Better to be safe than sorry. Torties are frisky.

The Boy: Is he just completely ridiculous or is he kidding?
BC: {from under the bed} I NEVER kid about torties! Underestimate them at your own peril!
Featured posts of the day:
Featured posts of the day:
- To read about Bear's face-to-face meeting with a tortie ... Bear knocks his luck.
- If you missed Bear's, "I'm the shark," game, you may read about it in ... I'm the shark.
- This is not the first time Bear changed a song to suit him ...
- Bear's Christmas,
- Christmas: Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat Style,
- "On tasty reindeer (part 2 - Christmas day)," from "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 15,
- Kitty Diva or Pop "Tart?" {The "I'm too sexy" song},
- How to get to Bear's food bowl,
- Bear, While Momma Sleeps,
- Tiger's Pride,
- The flea party,
- Bear's adoption application,
- Best cat,
- Twenty-two points.
- Bear has quite the history of acting tough (Momma calls him Mr. Tough Pants) ... here are a few examples:
- Remaining nameless.
- The stupidity allowance.
- Mocking me.
- The Many Faces of Mr. Tough Pants.
- "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 22 {On "Savagery for Dummies" series}.
- Do you feel lucky?
- Bear knocks his luck.
- Bolt Cathack.
- Bear tries to rip off Momma's legs as part of a game in I'm the shark.
- Tricks, no treats.
Yay! We just love when you give us concerts, Bear! Also, you make that collar look good, there's no doubt about that.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I should charge admission! ~Bear Cat
DeleteThat is a really manly collar, Bear. Just wait till I show Paisley, the tortie!
ReplyDeleteDid you say ... TORTIE?!?!? HIIIIIIII!!!! ~Bear Cat
DeleteYou look very handsome in your collar.....now we have an earworm!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
Thank you! ~Bear Cat
Delete::flicks the bics:: - ENCORE!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNext time I'm charging for admission! ~Bear Cat
DeleteExcellent collar, very stylish. But ... The Boy really doesn't understand about torties, does he?
ReplyDeleteThank you! No. The Boy has limited intelligence about many things! ~Bear Cat
Deleteps - And I get tired of always trying to explain it to him.
DeleteBear my Gpa used to say he didn't care what you called him as long as you called him to dinner.
ReplyDeleteI like your collar but I'm like you I don't wear them either
Hugs madi your bfff
Thank you, Madi. Your grandpa sounds super smart! ~Bear Cat
DeleteLook on the bright side bear, at least thar collar doen't have a bell on it!
ReplyDelete... any more anyway ;) ~Bear Cat
DeleteThere might be female orange tabby stampede too, Bear. That collar looks pawsome!
ReplyDeleteLove the song. I was humming along.
Thank you! Orange tabby girls are rare, beautiful creatures :) ~Bear Cat
DeleteYou look very stylish with your collar, Bear, and we love your song ! "I shake my little tail on the catwalk" made Pixie blush ! Purrs, Zorro
ReplyDeleteThank you! Oooooh, PIXIE! I'll give you a PRIVATE show! ~Bear Cat
DeleteTorties have tude, there's no doubt about it. Sorry Boy, but BC has a point. You're out of their league, for sure. MOUSES!
ReplyDeleteTorties AND gingers are exquisite creatures ;) My Momma's lucky I was homeless ... I'm way out of her league too! ~Bear Cat
DeleteOh Bear, you do look so sexy with your collar. Glad the Mom took the bell off. You all always make our Mom laugh out loud. Have a great evening.
ReplyDeleteThank you. We love to hear when people laugh out loud at our posts :)
DeleteBear do NOT allow them to make you wear that collar!!! My mom NEVER puts collars on me, you don't need one! Love, Cody
ReplyDeleteWHAT?!?!? RATS! RATS!!! RATS!!! RATS! RATS! ~Bear Cat
DeleteYou do look extra handsome in your collar Bear.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteThat is a handsome collar , Bear! Esme is a seal tortie point devon rex kitty. Would she make it on your tortie list? ;p
ReplyDeletethe critters in the cottage xo
Of course! She's beautiful! Thank you. ~Bear Cat
DeleteChloe Jo has always worn a collar. She just got a new pink one. Cute collar for you, too! Hugs.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteWow, Bear, you look pawesome in that collar! You may be too sexy for your collar, but wear it anyhow. For the ladycats.
ReplyDeleteThank you! Good thinking :) ~Bear Cat
DeleteI can hear the stampede of ginger and tortie ladycat paws heading your way. The only time I have worn a collar is when I needed it to wear my cat camera. I didn't mind it because I knew that I needed it to use my photographic skills to purrfection.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like so much fun! And I deserve to be a movie star too, right? ~Bear Cat
DeleteAww... Bear, you don't look too please with that collar.
ReplyDeletePurrs xx
Athena and Marie
Not really, no. I fight when Momma puts it on me ... but I forget it's there pretty quickly :) ~Bear Cat
DeleteWell, you do look very handsome in the collar - maybe you could use the bell to call all the ladies cats over for a party!
ReplyDeleteThank you ;) Err ... the bell is "lost" for good ;) ~Bear Cat
Delete"Torties are frisky." You better believe it, Boy!!! You look SO handsome in your new collar, Bear! Although I'm an indoor kitty and I run around nakey... --Mudpie
ReplyDeleteOh la la. Now I know what I'm going to dream about tonight!!!! ~Bear Cat
DeleteIn’t getting a collar as a gift akin to a human rugrat getting underwear for their birthday? Heh! At least it should have studs and spikes and stuff. Well, at least it’s not PINK.
ReplyDeleteGood point. I'll make sure my Momma makes note of that. This is Day 3 of Operation Bite Momma's arm off ;) ~Bear Cat
DeleteYou look very handsome in your collar, Bear! Oh, I guess we don't have to tell you that, do we? :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck holding off your groupies!
Thank you! I have told myself how handsome I am only a few times ;) ~Bear Cat
DeleteI think you look like a lady lover in your collar Bear! I know what you mean about the Tortie girls. I'm smitten for one, too! I hope you have better luck with them than me. Did you decide to keep the bell on? The bet the lady cats will hear it & come running to you! I'm smitten for one, too!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Valentine! Torties are one-of-a-kind ... just like us :) ~Bear Cat
Deletetrust me Bear the collar looks good really! I make Frodo and Zulu wear collars and they are microchipped (are you microchipped?) even though they are indoor only cats (with some time outside under supervision-never alone) Trust me it is for the best! And the color sets off your fur! Honest!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I know Amarula wouldn't let you lie ;) ~Bear Cat
DeleteYour new collar is stylish and sexy, Bear! You look totally debonair. And thank COD the bell got 86'd. That would have made you crazy!
ReplyDeleteThank you! ~Bear Cat
DeleteAww, Bear, I understand the perils of being mobbed, a risk we all must face when we enter the public domain. Maybe you could hire the boy to go out ahead of you wearing the collar, in a cat suit of course, to distract the oncoming assault of admirers. Then when the coast is clear you and your peep could make a dash for the mousing territories, or the nip and doughnut emporium. Purrs, Erin
ReplyDeletePS Of course if the collar was a tasty chicken magnet, then you best take the job on yourself!
I'm TOTALLY doing that! Do they make big cat costumes? I bet they don't make my Momma's size! ~Bear Cat
DeleteThat is one smart collar! It makes you look very cool and enhances your good looks!
ReplyDeleteI think so too! Thank you! ~Bear Cat
DeleteOne cool collar there young kitty!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteSo Bear, are you going to wear that collar or not? It looks quite nice on you. We all wear collars 24/7 with I.D. That's the first thing Mom does when a new kitty moves in...collar with I.D. Even if you have a microchip, it's a lot better to be able to tell a neighbor or put in a description that the cat is wearing a paw print (or whatever) collar. Could be lots of grey tabbies running around. And tell your momma that leaving the bell on will alert her and The Boy when you are trying to sneak up on them. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy
ReplyDeleteErm ... I'll keep the bell thing to myself ... but I agree about the importance of wearing collars and ID ... my Momma's not the greatest ... but I know what it's like to be homeless - and that's even worse! ~Bear Cat
DeleteBwa! Haa!! Haaa!!!
ReplyDeleteYou made coffee come out my nose I was laughing so hard!
Nellie used to love it when that happened!
I'm so glad to hear that! We do this to make people laugh - and it's the highest compliment when they do!
DeleteBear, you look soooooo handsome in that collar! We tried collars around here, but they didn't last long. Btw, little tortie Olive is blushing and speechless right now.
ReplyDeleteHIIIIIIIIII, Olive!!!! ~Bear Cat
DeleteYes. Bear fought me when I put it on ... but then he seems to forget he's wearing it. I was sure he'd get rid of it and I'd never find it again ;)
dood.....we give yur song 984 paws up.....we can dance two it N itz got a
ReplyDeletegrate beet...ewe could total lee bee rockin on bandstand if bandstand waz
still round...N yea, collarz R grate N all....but..........oh kay, sew yea
ya look handsum N all......but.....a collar.....dood.....
I know, I know. But don't chicks dig them? ~Bear Cat
DeleteNice collar! Remember, safety first, Bear Cat. Your mama's showing her love for you.
ReplyDeleteBut does it have to be so ... PINK?!?!? ~Bear Cat