Sunday Selfie #6

I know I'm handsome. So joining The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies blog hop is a no brainer! This week I'm sharing my favorite pictures of my favorite kitty cat. I'll give you a hint ... the name of my favorite kitty cat starts with a "B," ends with an "R," with "EA," squeezed in the middle. You're MORE than welcome to express your appreciation of this fine feline specimen with tasty whole chickens ... my Momma will give you the address (just tell her you're sending me socks!). ~Bear Cat
ps - You can see our previous Sunday Selfie posts here: #1#2#3#4,  #4.5, and #5
pps - My Momma's still working on this photo editing business ... please forgive any fault in the pictures ... I can assure you, I'm flawless in real life.

Before we get to my favorites ... here's a new one ...

My favorites from the past ...


  1. Those are some great selfies, Bear!

    Gus, Jaq, and Pearl
    As the World Purrs

    1. Thank you! And thank you for stopping by - it was great to meet you and see Gus' (and the kittens) selfies too!

  2. HI Bear, I does like your new selfie, you look quite expectant... might there have been a tasty whole chicken involved?

    1. Did someone say CHICKEN?!!? (sigh) No. I was waiting for my Momma to get up from her desk chair so I could commandeer for my own uses. But I'd prefer the chickens :)

    2. Hmm, maybe there is a market for on-line chicken flavoured mouse? I could maybe ship to the US, small packages won't be expensive, though I can't guarantee half hour service like pizza or that it will still be hot when it gets there. ERin

    3. We love you, Erin. You always make up smile. ~Momma and Bear

  3. You are, as our mum says REEEELLLYYY Cute!!!!!!! We love the pictures!!

  4. Yes: a fine feline specimen and so nice of you (and your hu-mom) to share so many wonderful photos of you, each better than the one before. All so handsome.

  5. Wow those are all mighty fine selfies Bear,xx Speedy

  6. Very nice selfies!!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Very handsome! Have a wonderful day.

  8. You are quite handsome. I would send you some chicken, but in this heat it would not keep.

  9. Adorable! You have so many expressions!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  10. Bear, you sure are handsome...but you already knew that. ;)

  11. You are very handsome and your selfies are lovely.

  12. Well, I think your Momma knows her photo editing stuff because I can TELL that you're flawless in real life.

    1. What cat isn't? Maybe one day my Momma will be as good at photography as you! Of course, Dexter, Sophie, and Olive are beautiful all by themselves, but you do a fantastic job of bringing the perfection out in them too! ~Bear Cat


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