Sunday Selfie #4

I know I'm handsome. So joining The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies blog hop is a no brainer! This week's theme is my talent of stealing my Momma's desk chair ... even when she's only out of it for a few seconds. I'm ESPECIALLY good at hopping up there RIGHT as she's about to sit down. ~Bear Cat
ps - You can see our previous Sunday Selfie posts here: #1, #2, and #3.

*** To read about the beginning of the desk chair wars: Chair + Towel + Cat = Tons of PicturesThe pictures aren't up to current standards, but it gives you an idea of the history. 
*** Another series on the desk chair wars occurs in "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 12 (On the desk chair wars, parts 1-3).
*** The two most recent updates to the desk chair saga are found in, "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 23 ("On sharing selfishness"), and "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 24 ("On MOO!").


  1. Mummy says you have pretty green eyes,xx Speedy

    1. Thank you! They were the first things my Momma noticed about me when she found me hiding under her deck <3

  2. You not only made a good job on the seat, BC, but you are also good with the camera. Excellent Selfies! Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

  3. Bear Cat, you are indeed handsome! The mancat here loves to steal office chairs too! You have lovely stripes and eyes!

    1. My eyes were the first things my Momma noticed about me when she found me hiding under her deck. And my racing stripe means I'm super fast ... especially in possessing my chair :)

  4. You are too funny. Our cat. Prancie likes to steal her Dad's chair.

  5. Those are very handsome selfies. Why would your momma think it is her desk chair?

  6. Replies
    1. It's actually not that comfy, but the look on my Momma's face is priceless :)

  7. Great selfies, Bear!

    Oh and the mom says she was really glad she got to meet Momma Kat at BlogPaws.

    1. Thank you for the sparkle ball!!! Momma tried to hide all the toys until she got a picture of them, but I dug the sparkle ball out of the bottom of the bag while she was sleeping :) My Momma really loved spending time with your Mom at BlogPaws. She says you all are very lucky. Humans. ~Bear Cat

  8. Ah, the desk chair steal. Popoki has that move down as well!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    1. I missed seeing you at BlogPaws! Congratulations on winning the camera though - awesome <3

  9. Oh yeah, you are one handsome kitty, for sure! Purrs, Seville.

    1. Coming from another handsome kitty, I take that as high praise <3

  10. Bear, you are handsome from every angle on that chair. We meant on YOUR chair of course! :p

    the critters in the cottage xo


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