Sunday Selfie #1

I know I'm handsome. So joining the Sunday Selfies blog hop is a no brainer! For me, this week's theme is my ability to sit a foot away from my Momma while she works and just stare at her. For maximum effect, I sit on the table right next to where she works. Every single time, it makes her nervous and jumpy because she can't figure out what I want (not to mention the close proximity). If she tries to pet me, I bite her. I don't really want anything, I just like messing with her. And this strategy exceeds my expectations in this department every time. I'm not sorry. Especially because I'm clearly doing her a favor by letting her stare at and admire my gorgeous stature. ~Bear Cat


  1. Fabulous selfies!!

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Love your selfies! Have a great day.

  3. You are a handsome boy, those are great selfies.

    1. Thank you for stopping by! We hope your Mom gets your crown all blinged out ASAP <3

  4. Even though you are trying to unnerve your mum by staring straight at her, it makes very good selfies.

    1. I know! You'd think she'd THANK me!!!! ~Bear Cat
      ps - Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. MOL! Bear Cat, it looks like you're smirking at her. But you're so handsome, so how could Momma Kat not appreciate your mesmerizing stare?

    1. Hmm. I KNOW! She should thank me! Or give me treats, or SOMETHING! I'm not appreciated in my own home! ~Bear Cat

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you. And thank you for stopping by. Annabelle's selfie is absolutely stunning <3

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you for stopping by (and the compliment). We made sure you connect with you on Twitter and Facebook too so we can keep up and stay connected :)

  8. I'm intimidated, and I know these are just photos! Nicely done, little one. Your human-control skills are unsurpassed!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    1. Thank you for stopping by. We found your page too and fell in love with the foster kittens. We also made sure to connect with your pages on social media so we can keep up. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

  9. Great photos.

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

    1. Bugsy and Knuckles, Thank you for stopping by our page. We found yours and Bear is very excited because he wants an office just like yours! A cat can never have enough stuff, right? We also followed you on Twitter so we can keep up with all your adventures <3

  10. Hmm, looks like Bear went to Hypnotism 101. Me, I did Bring home the Mouse 101... I'm currently on bring home the Mouse 206 & 207. purrs ERin

    1. My Momma won't let me go outside and hunt. Hmph. No doubt I'd be brutal and savage and an exquisite hunter of ... of ... THINGS. ~Bear Cat
      This from the cat that is scared of birds and squirrels. Bear's course progression would start with Run from the Mouse 101. I got him this 2 inch long motorized toy that has sensors on each end; when it comes up against a wall, it reverses course until it meets another obstacle. I thought it would be fantastic for his more destructive tendencies. Bear got exercise all right. RUNNING FROM the little gizmo. Even worse, he went to hide in a corner - but he was watching it carefully so I thought, "Hey! Maybe he's going to pounce on it!" Nope. When it went his direction, he froze and the thing went back and forth across his only path out of the corner. You'd think he'd AT LEAST jump over it. Nope. Another Momma rescue. I love Bear more than anything but he's scared of his own shadow (NOT an exaggeration - when he sees his shadow, he flips out). ~Momma

  11. Bear we are insiders too. Maybe someday we will have a fenced yard (promises promises) but I am not holding my cat breath. We like to weird Dad out by staring a spot on the wall until he goes and checks it out. Then we look away only to stare at it again once he sits down MOL
    Give that one a try

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you. And thank you for stopping by. We're excited to follow you on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ so we can keep up with your awesome adventures <3

  13. You sure know how to take a great selfie, Bear...and make your human nervous in the process. :)

    1. You're right. I AM very talented. Maybe one of these days my Momma will appreciate me! ~Bear Cat

  14. You like messing with your peep? LOVE IT! I have gotta start doing that to mine more often. Been going easy on her, as of late. Well in a relatively speaking kind of way, of course. Purrs, Seville.

    1. They make it too easy to confuse and weird them out, don't they? A cat gets bored you know. ~Bear Cat

  15. How handsome you are!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  16. OMC, Bear. We think you and our sisfur, Lily Olivia, must be related. Mom will wake up in the middle of the night to find Lily Oliva sitting next to her on the bed, just staring at her. It totally freaks mom out. We are tickled to have you on the blog hop. Hope you'll join us every week. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Next week, we'll remember to link to your page too. We provided the link to your page on our Facebook page, but forgot it here. Bad Momma :)

  17. You are soooooo handsum. Me's sis Lexi used to sit just like dat. We called it her sits pose. MOL Hope ya'll have a great week.

    Luv ya'


    1. Thank you for stopping by and for the compliment. The more I hear about your Lexi, the more I fall in love with her <3

  18. You little monkey!!! You would make our Mum laugh So much that shecouldn't type!!!

    1. Things are NEVER dull around here, that's for sure. Bear's ability to keep Momma laughing has probably saved her life more times than she cares to admit <3

  19. Oh, Bear Cat, you look Pawsome! Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

  20. Ha! We love that staring game! We don't bite our Mom though. We like her pets too much.


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